This article is in collaboration with Channie’s Visual Handwriting and Math Workbooks.
Channie’s Visual Handwriting & Math workbooks offers a variety of materials to help students improve their handwriting and math accuracy through neater and more uniform writing.
When Alex was struggling with handwriting, His mother, Chan, decided that she could do something about it! Her creativity and passion to improve Alex’s handwriting were the inspiration behind the Channie’s Visual Handwriting & Math workbooks. The handwriting guides provide the provide the visual guides that many students need to successfully form neat letters and numbers. The guides also support math accuracy by helping students correctly line up their numbers. When her son was struggling to be successful because of his handwriting and she could not find a product that would work Chan created sheets to help him. The products have proven so successful that Channie’s was rated as 10th place in the category of most fabulous retail products by Education Dealer Magazine

If you are wondering what sets them apart from other handwriting products, Channie’s flash cards and notepads include four features that make them more effective:
- 1 – Blocks for consistent letter size
- 2 – Double vertical lines to guide proper spacing
- 3 – Middle green shade helps in lowercase placement and writing in straight lines
- 4 – The ability to self-correct when writing outside the lines.

While Channie’s has a wide variety of products the Review Crew will be focusing on these four products:
- Channie’s Dry Erase Flashcard For Alphabet & Number (Better for ages 4-6)
- Channie’s Dry Erase Flashcard for Sight Words (Ages 5-6)
- Neat Numbers (Ages 3-5)
- One Page A Day 2 Digit Multiplication Practice (Grades 3-5)

Channie’s products are easy to use visual guides are crafted to improve student’s handwriting ability, neatness, and uniformity. Her unique approach to improving handwriting can yield rapid results. The basic tools for Channie’s Handwriting programs are durable, ready to use, dry erase flashcards which can be used anywhere for practicing handwriting, or math facts and Channie’s workbooks and story writing paper which can be used in a variety of educational settings with students as young as three.
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Thank you to Dawn Peluso of Schoolin’ Swag for writing this introductory article.
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