When You Are Weary

When You Are Weary

Let’s face it, the first few months of a new year can be hard on a homeschool mom.  Yes, you may be coming off a few weeks off of school, but Christmas…well, we all know how restful that is.
January comes and we pull out the books and planners and such and buckle down to our final semester only to realize we are weary. So what do to when you are weary?

By the time February comes, we feel like a wilted flower.

What’s a mom to do?

Take a deep breath! It’s ok to admit we are tired, even overwhelmed.  Sometimes it helps to just take a deep breath and remind ourselves of how far we have come.  By looking back, it often makes it easier to look forward with hope.  We have gotten this far and now we can see the finish line.  Just keep swimming, friends.

Get creative!  This time of year we tend to mix things up a bit in our home.  How about start your day with the subject you usually save until last?  Or run laps around the house between each subject?  How about school inside a blanket fort? Or for every subject your child completes on time, they earn a little fun incentive?  Boredom is valid, but there are lots of ways to fight it. Keep it simple, but make it creative.

Plan some fun! Now may be time for field trips to begin.  Getting out and exploring your local area helps put some fun back in your days.  Game days, themed days based around the book you are reading, baking days to count as home ec…the possibilities are endless.  Get your kids involved and see what they can come up with.  Fun and laughter go a long way in healing a weary heart.

Enlist some help! Call in the troops and take some time to yourself if you need to.  Grandparents, spouses, and friends are great substitute teachers and bring a new freshness to your child’s schoolwork.  Even fellow homeschooling moms can swap days occasionally to give each other a mental health day.

Pray!  Weariness is a real thing and if not battled can turn into worse.  If that is you today, dear momma, take some time to pray.  The Lord can and will give you the strength to do the task He has called you to do.  Keep your eyes on Him and rest in His peace. And give yourself grace.

May you find rest for your weary souls and excitement of all that is still to come in this school year.


A big thank you to Michele Pleasants of Family, Faith and Fridays for writing this article.

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