What Makes You a Proud Homeschool Mom?

On social media, I often see graphics asking the viewer to share the post if you are a proud soccer mom or baseball dad. So, I thought, what if you are a proud homeschool parent? Would moms and dads share those graphics, too? And what makes them proud to be a homeschool mom or dad? I asked members of the Homeschool Review Crew what makes them proud Homeschool Moms (we do not have any Homeschool Dads on the Crew at this time). There is a common theme among some of their answers in seeing their children learn and grow to love learning. But there are some other excellent points shared, too. 

Just what makes our Crew members proud homeschool moms? 

“Seeing my boys explore their interests, take on challenges, and grow into young men of strength and character makes me a proud homeschooling #boymom!” Yvie, Homeschool On the Range

“I have a lad who likes to think and has a servant’s heart which is a solidly wonderful thing. He pushes me to think which is most excellent.” Annette, A Net in Time

“There are no words to explain the joy that rises up within a homeschooling mama when she sees her children follow their dreams. Homeschooling provides the time and the ability to allow them to follow their passions. Nothing teaches better than the desire to learn.” Candy, Candy Foote Club

“Seeing my children blossom without being forced into an educational mold” Lori, My Journeys Through Life

“It makes me proud when I see something spark in my children.” Michelle, The Brave Homeschooling Mama 

“I have graduated two homeschool students who are both in college. My oldest has really excelled in college and has found favor in the department and even in her core classes. Why? Because our homeschooling years were the foundation for future learning. For example, I prepared her for writing those college essays and her first essay was the best in the class!” Susan, My Happy Homeschool

“I love doing life with my kids – and I’m so glad I didn’t miss anything!” Jennifer, Homeschool Fanatic

What has been your favorite homeschool activity?

I also asked our Crew members about their favorite homeschool activity. While reading through their responses, I love seeing the similarities between the activities that rank among their favorites. Reading aloud as a family and continuing that through the teen years was mentioned by several Crew members. Being able to go on field trips, use multiple approaches to learning, and being actively involved in extracurricular activities are also among the favorites shared. Jennifer wrote, “Over the years, there have been so many fun activities we’ve shared: games, science labs, field trips, nature walks, and most recently a shark dissection!” Can imagine if your children love science getting to do a variety of dissections with them? How much fun is that?!?

What homeschool memories do your children have?

I love asking my children what memories they have of homeschooling and we are only on the beginning of our journey with our two youngest children while our oldest is graduating this year after three years of homeschooling. Would your children share memories of the happy moments or those that helped them grow as they struggled through math or reading? My prayer for you and your homeschooling family is that they remember all the moments that helped them through their homeschooling journey.

“My favorite memories are of our family gathering together in the mornings to pray, read the Scriptures, and sing together, then gathering together again at night for family read aloud time.” Candy, Candy Foote Club

“Doing experiments like making ‘apple mummies’ in an Apologia course.” Lori, My Journeys Through Life 

“Our family does not have a favorite homeschool activity, we enjoy them all – ballet classes, track, bowling league, Service Scouts, field trips, prom, and more!” Susan, My Happy Homeschool


Join us for one day, two days, or the entire week! 

My hope is whether you are a proud homeschool mom, dad, grandparent, or other relative of a homeschooling child, you will share those moments that make you proud and happy to be part of the homeschooling community. If you are on Instagram, I invite you to join us and share each day those activities and things that make you proud to be homeschooling.

Monday, February 22: Our Homeschool Family #homeschoolfamily – Share a photo of your homeschool family. 

Tuesday, February 23: Homeschool Meals #homeschoolmeals – Share a photo of you or your children preparing a meal or a meal your children planned.

Wednesday, February 24: Homeschool Projects #homeschoolprojects – Share a photo of a project created by your children that makes you proud to homeschool.

Thursday, February 25: Homeschool Laughter #homeschoolfun – Share a moment when your family shared laughter during a homeschool lesson, activity, or project.

Friday, February 26: Homeschool Community #homeschoolcommunity – Share what makes you proud about your homeschool community, co-op, or organization.

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