Biblical Financial Literacy: Sharing of Money
Explore the world of financial education through a biblical lens with Tom Lipp’s series of articles on Examine the sharing of money—involuntary and voluntary in the latest post.
Explore the world of financial education through a biblical lens with Tom Lipp’s series of articles on Examine the sharing of money—involuntary and voluntary in the latest post.
Productivity requires disciplined effort and hard work. But do not confuse activity with productivity. Be inspired by God’s use of planning to become more productive in your own lives.
As parents we want the best for our children. We have hopes and dreams for them—sometimes even before they are born. And one of the dreams that parents might have includes raising children who are good financial stewards. Our children should manage the resources provided to them by God wisely. As homeschooling parents we are … Read more
This article is in collaboration with Do you have a middle school or high school student that would like to learn more about personal finance? For the past few weeks, the Homeschool Review Crew has had the opportunity to use the Budgeting Game, Stock Market Game, and integrated curriculum from These resources are … Read more
Personal Finance Illustrated® Homeschool Edition allows parents to be as involved in the teaching as they choose. It will help them teach their children how to be financially stable.