Everyone has spring fever including Mom. It’s time for Spring Break! Yet you want to keep learning. Here are some ways to have fun and learn at the same time over Spring Break.

Field Trip Week
Take a week to go on a different field trip every day. Your city probably has a little museum so visit with your kids followed by lunch at the oldest restaurant in town.
Head to a park, river, or lake to spend the day fishing, swimming, or boating.
Visit the zoo, a farm, or a children’s museum.
Walk down the oldest street in your area. Hike. Go strawberry picking if you live in a southern state. Take in a movie or visit a theme park. The possibilities are endless.
Book & Movie Week
Choose a shorter book to read aloud 2 chapters a day. Or read a book like Anne of Green Gables, Mr. Popper’s Penguins, Little Women, or The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe and then watch the movie.

Hike & Bike Week
Choose a destination each day for a family bike or hike. The first day might be around the block and each day go further. You could hike through fields or woods.
Craft Week
There are so many crafts that I never get to in the busyness of getting schoolwork done. Take a week to do all those crafts you meant to do but never got around to it.
If you can’t think of any crafts, go to the library and let each child pick out a craft book and choose 1 craft to do (or 2 if you have a small family). Buy all your supplies on Sunday before spring break starts. Each morning after breakfast work on your daily craft!
Cooking Camp
Cooking with kids is another thing we always mean to do but never get around to it. There are so many different options for cooking camp.
- Choose 5 countries and cook dishes or a meal for each one
- Each child picks a dish they want to learn to cook
- Check out cookbooks from the library and everyone choose 1 recipe to try
- Dig through old recipe boxes or cookbooks and make some dishes you haven’t made in at least over a decade

Kids Teach Week
Each child chooses a topic they are really interested in and spends the week research and putting together a little lesson. On Friday, each child gets 1 hours to “teach” the other children.
Play a different “sport” each day like basketball, kick ball, dodge ball, touch football, Frisbee, Old English country dancing, or calisthenics.
Pull out all those educational games you bought and never use. Play 2 games a day.
List to music or make your own music. Spend time singing together or everyone play their instrument together.

Spring Break Co-op Camp
Here’s a fun idea to do with other families, especially if you have 5—one Mom in charge each day. Each mom plans and hosts a 3-5 hour day of learning fun. One mom might focus on art and have the kids paint and work with pastels/charcoals. Another mom might have a sports day at the park. One mom may host a day of games.
Benefit of Spring Break Co-op Camp? Every mom has 4 days to rest and rejuvenate and only 1 day to host all the kids.
Whatever you do on spring break, keep it fun and relaxing. We all need to stop and rest. Or do things a little differently sometimes.
Happy Spring Break!
Let’s Encourage Each Other!
Comment below with your spring break plans!
Thank you to Meredith C. from
Homeschool Joy at PowerlineProd.com
for writing this Crew Article.

Interested in what other Crew members have shared during this month’s challenge? Visit them . . .
Thank you for this article! I need to do a couple of these! What would be GREAT is if I had a month to do 4 of them!