For years, homeschool families have counted on Steve Demme and his Math-U-See program to teach their children math. Demme Learning has now branched out into the world of spelling. Spelling You See is a brand new program that uses short daily activities to teach correct spelling in a meaningful context. Each activity integrates writing, reading, speaking, and listening skills.
The five levels of Spelling You See programs are based on research into the five developmental stages of spelling. There are no grade levels in the materials — the student starts at the appropriate developmental stage and moves at his own pace.

Reviewers each received Spelling You See workbook-style materials corresponding to their child’s current spelling abilities:
Listen and Learn for students just grasping the
concept of letter-sound correspondence
Jack and Jill for students moving from the phonetic
stage of development to the skill-building stage
Wild Tales for students working on skill building
using copywork and dictation
Americana for students to build vocabulary while
working on spelling skills
American Spirit for students to continue working on both vocabulary and spelling skills
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A big thank you to Cristi of Through the Calm and Through the Storm for writing this introductory post.
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