This article is in collaboration with Simply Music.
Neil Moore has a passion for teaching music and has created a music program that is available on-line. His Music & Creativity Program is completely free, and we’ll be reviewing it for you today. They have chosen to offer this course free in celebration of their 20th anniversary!

Simply Music is a self-study program that you can work through as quickly or as slowly as you would like. Their goal is to have students play real music right from the start. Play real music and learn your fingering right from your very first lesson.
You will find yourself introduced to blues, classical, and contemporary pieces, and will get to play them right from the get go.

Neil Moore uses a piano to teach each of the lessons, showing hand movement. He’ll draw pictures to show how the music moves and correlate that to finger positioning. His goal is help the learner play good music well right from the start. No working your way through simple melodies, but real music that you’d want to listen to.
Learn to play through the music, practicing it until you are confident, then learn to play that same piece of music to accompaniment. Good and useful skills to have!
Short and easy lessons filled with conversation, demonstration and pictograms to help you visually see what you need to play.

Connect with Simply Music
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Thank you to Annette from A Net in Time for writing this introductory article.

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