Sometimes it may seem like being a wife or mom does not afford a lot of recognition. Add in the job of homeschooling, it seems like our work is never done. But when we look back on all our accomplishments as homeschool moms, we can see all the ways in which we have helped our family and benefited from our family as well. Let’s celebrate all our successes this Mother’s Day. Homeschool moms for the win!
Mom Is the Comforter
In between the dusting, folding laundry, shopping for dinner, and homeschooling, homeschool moms are also comforters. Sometimes our children need our time more for relationship building than for fractions, sentence diagramming, or conjugating Latin verbs. Every task that a mom completes is important, but providing our children with love and encouragement is one of the most important ones.
Mom Is the Cook
Do you cook everything from scratch? Perhaps there is a sourdough starter sitting on your kitchen countertop as you read this article. Or do you serve take-out more times than you would like? No matter what your kitchen or meals look like, homeschool moms can celebrate wins in the kitchen every day.
Creating a loving environment in your kitchen where your children can help is just one homeschool mom win. Teaching your children how to cook is another win. Budgeting, organization, nutrition, and tidiness are all homeschool mom wins when we recognize mom as the cook. So don’t fear if you don’t like elaborate meal plans, the kitchen can still represent a win for you.
Mom Is the Helper
“Can you help me tie my shoe?” you hear from the living room as you help your younger child with their coat buttons. It is never more evident that mom is the helper than when our children are young. But mom is also the helper when our teens start to drive and we help them study for the driver’s test. Or when our adult daughter calls home to ask for advice about her newborn baby. Mom as the helper continues long into our children’s lives.
There are so many ways we can celebrate homeschool moms for the win in terms of how they help their families. Mom works on budgets for the household expenses. Time schedules are created by moms who balance family and outside demands. And don’t forget the organization that moms work on every day.

Mom Is the Teacher
Oftentimes tied into mom as the helper, we see mom the teacher. Whether mom is homeschooling or not, she teaches her children. Children learn how to eat with a spoon, crawl, walk, and run while in the care of their moms (and dads too). Mom teaches their children how to dress themselves, brush their teeth, and put away their toys. These are skills that will be useful their entire lives.
Homeschool lessons also allow mom to be the teacher. And there are so many wins for the homeschool mom when teaching. She sees her daughter learn to read and her son master long division. All of her children might learn how to play a musical instrument or fall in love with painting or cooking while mom is teaching them. And if mom doesn’t know something, she can find the right curriculum to help her teach her children.
Mom Is So Much More!
In addition to taking care of her family and home, mom also shares her love of Jesus. Homeschool moms will win when they read the Bible and pray for and with their husband and children. The example she sets for them will help them maintain their own relationship with God.
In what other ways can we celebrate homeschool moms? Author
This article has been written by Kristen Heider. She is the Business Building Team Manager of The Old Schoolhouse® and the Social Media Manager of She shares more about her family’s homeschooling journey at A Mom’s Quest Teach.