Recently, I asked Dragon(6), “What’s your favorite thing about homeschooling?” He told me it’s great that he gets to spend more time with our family than he otherwise would. That’s one of my favorites, too. Another is the opportunity to make Christ the center of our home, and to build family relationships through having our kids throughout the day, at home, out and about, snuggling quietly or up and doing, all day long (see Deut. 11:18-21), is one of several blessings from homeschooling I cherish. The world is a harsh place; to equip my children, to teach them to love what they ought to love, I cannot waste a minute that I have them with me.
It is easy to forget that teaching is holy work. The building up of the
intellect – teaching children to really think – does not happen by the
might of human reason, but rather by the grace of God. On an ordinary
day, you and I likely have a set of tasks we’ve scheduled for our kids.
But it’s more than math. It’s more than history. It is the building of
our children’s hearts and minds, and we can only do that if we realize
that this is how we thank Him for the graces He so lavishly pours upon
us.–Sarah Mackenzie, Teaching From Rest, 11
One of the great things about the homeschool community is that it is so generous in its support. So many women, on their blogs, in forums, or in real life, are so generous with their time in helping other women to be successful, as we all try to teach our children the best we know-how. I have been the beneficiary in the past, and have been privileged to answer questions and offer support from time to time as well. All that goodness makes a big job just that a little easier. I’m looking forward to seeing what everyone on the Homeschool Review Crew shares in this week’s blog hop; with so many bloggers talking about so many aspects of homeschooling, there’s sure to be something for everyone!
A big thank you to Ritsumei of Baby Steps for writing this guest post.