There are few things that are better than a good book and there is no book that we need to know more than the Bible. As parents, we all have a deep desire and concern for our children that they would learn and love God as we do. Yet it can seem like a daunting task to teach kids the bible. Whether we have one or ten spending time together in study and prayer is so important! Our Review Crew was provided with a copy of the book, Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible by Danika Cooley, from Bethany House Publishers. These days, it is so vital to have a heart for the next generation; to be able to train them in the way they should go so that they too will embrace the Word of God. We are called to love the Lord our God with all of our heart and mind and soul and strength, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. This book is a call to do that and more!

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Danika Cooley and her husband, Ed, are committed to leading their children for the glory of God. They have worked to study and memorize the Bible with their children. Danika is an award-winning children’s author and Bible curriculum developer, encouraging parents to intentionally raise biblically literate children. Danika is a homeschool mother of four with a bachelor of arts degree from the University of Washington.
Teach Kids the Bible
For those of us who struggle with family devotions and do not feel like we are truly learning and loving the Bible, Help Your Kids Learn and Love the Bible is a gentle challenge and encouragement to guide you towards a legacy of value. Mom and Dad, it is our job to teach our kids the Bible; to stir one another up to love and good works.

With all the time that we spend finding the right schools, helping them eat right and exercise, involving them in extracurricular activities surely we see the greater value that comes from feeding our children the living water and the bread of life. There is no habit of greater value than daily faithfulness to the Word of God and in the pages of this book, Danika will show you how to do that in a way that draws everyone nearer to Jesus.
She shares plans for the littles; ways to use narration to help children pay attention to the story being told and memorization so the Word is hidden in their hearts. Within these pages, you will grow in confidence and understanding as you set goals for your family and stick to them. Do not grow weary of doing good. She reminds us to keep the end goal in mind:” that the child may grow and become strong, filled with wisdom.”
The Bible is such an amazing adventure; every page. Let us help our children experience it by bringing these words to life in their lives. As we pray and memorize and study together to show ourselves approved workmen of God, we will believe and see greater things for our families and communities in Jesus’ name!
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Thank you to Jennifer King of A Peace of Mind for writing this introductory article.