Ready or not, your homeschool days will one day be treasured history. You give homeschooling your all to ensure the very best is ahead. Maybe the future includes college. If you have a teen, you may be wondering how to prepare for higher ed. Could you use a hand? We’ve got an opportunity exclusively for homeschoolers as they take the next step with college prep. It’s called the National Academic Homeschool Competition (NAHC).
What is the NAHC?
The NAHC is a friendly academic competition that exists to support homeschool families with college and career prep, SAT and ACT prep, and college financing. The Old Schoolhouse® and the College Options Foundation are teaming up again this year to host, with thanks to our sponsors: CTCMath and Colorado Christian University. It’s the second annual virtual National Academic Homeschool Competition, giving homeschooled students ages 12–18 the opportunity to put their knowledge to the test on a national level.
The Old Schoolhouse®, a trusted homeschooling partner, has co-organized this virtual event. The Old Schoolhouse® has been uplifting homeschoolers for over two decades and brings you encouragement through The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine,, the TOS App, the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Show podcast,, and so much more. We’re happy to provide the NAHC opportunity too!

What makes the NAHC unique?
The NAHC is an exclusive opportunity for the homeschool community. Your student will be competing against students raised with similar educational experiences. Students have fun while focusing on science, math, English, and general knowledge in a gaming format. It all works together to reinforce homeschool curriculum and the education you’ve worked hard to impart. This provides a unique way to prep for college!
This virtual competition consists of two rounds leading up to a final championship. Students compete right from home in three age divisions (12–14, 15–16, and 17–18). Division placement is based on the student’s age on the first day of the competition, November 1, 2023.
This national-level competition culminates with certificates of participation, awards, and prizes. Prizes and awards will be given to the top finalists in each age division.
- 1st Place: $500 and a personalized certificate
- 2nd Place: $350 and a personalized certificate
- 3rd–6th Place: $100 and a personalized certificate
- 7th–20th Place: wireless earbuds and a personalized certificate

What about college prep?
Your student receives access to college prep materials once registered for the NAHC. Total College Success® is award-winning college success software, designed to challenge and equip students. It teaches parents and students everything they need to know about life after high school.
By participating in the NAHC, students can significantly improve SAT and ACT scores. The NAHC tests are designed similarly to the SAT and ACT to ensure participants are familiar with the format and types of questions they will see on standardized testing. With NAHC experience, your student can test confidently.
The NAHC can help save tens of thousands of dollars in college costs and take the pressure of the college process off parents’ shoulders. And don’t forget, NAHC participation can be highlighted on transcripts or applications as a worthwhile extracurricular event.
Are you a member of
All members receive a 50% discount on the $110 registration fee for the NAHC, so members pay only $55. ( members, obtain the code from your Member Dashboard.) Registration covers NAHC access, Total College Success software, and Zero Hour Threat—an interactive game that preps students for the SAT and ACT.
Ready to sign your 12–18-year-old up for the NAHC? Let’s go! Visit for FAQs and register your student today. Author
This article has been written by Kristen Heider. She is the Business Building Team Manager of The Old Schoolhouse® and the Social Media Manager of She shares more about her family’s homeschooling journey at A Mom’s Quest Teach.