Finding Your Homeschool Science Course

Do you love teaching science in your homeschool? For some families, teaching science can be a wonderful challenge. Experiments, research, and more are eagerly anticipated. Other homeschool families may find those same science activities overwhelming. The good news is that finding your homeschool science course does not need to be difficult. Let’s look at many of the great options available to homeschool families. 

Science Courses for Your Family 

If you are looking for a full science curriculum, there are several options available to homeschool families. From companies that focus on science such as Greg Landry’s Homeschool Science, which focuses solely on science and labs, to Apologia, which offers science courses, and more. Or you can sign up for a membership with where you would receive access to over 400 courses, including over 50 science classes and unit studies. And some of those science courses are interactive! 

When you first start thinking about science courses for your children, keep several questions in mind. These will help you pick the science course that will work best for your family. 

  1. What are the interests of your children? 
  2. What are the ages/grades of your children? 
  3. Do you need a full, comprehensive science curriculum or course that comes with lab equipment, books, instruction, etc.? 
  4. Are you looking for a science course that aligns with your worldview? 
  5. For older children, are they planning to attend college? 
  6. For older children, what are their future career goals and do they need any specific sciences to help them reach that goal? 
  7. Is the cost of the course important to you? 

If you are looking for a homeschool science course for younger children without lab equipment, there are many options available. With a membership, you have numerous choices for teaching science to your homeschool children. You can use the traditional science courses that feature downloadable text, articles from World Book Online, videos from RightNow Media, video instruction, and more. And now you have additional options! With, you can pick from among several science courses with automatic feedback, grading on the spot, and engaging videos. 

Let’s look at answering some of those questions to see if is the right fit for your family. 

Are your children interested in learning about dinosaurs from a young Earth Creationist worldview? offers a unique course by SchoolhouseTeachers Lesson Designer Patrick Nurre. It is written for first through sixth graders and attempts to solve some of the mysteries surrounding dinosaurs. While children watch the video-based lessons, they will be provided with the tools needed to defend their faith. Printable worksheets and interactive self-graded quizzes help guide your children through this 16-week course. 

Do you need to find courses for your high schoolers to prepare them for college? offers a variety of science courses geared towards ninth through twelfth grades, including Introduction to Forensic Science and Red Wagon Chemistry for High School. Courses such as these will help your children follow their interests or prepare for a rigorous college course load. 

Do you love teaching science in your homeschool?

Homeschool Science Course Additions

In addition to discussing how to find your homeschool science course, let’s look at all the wonderful extras that you can bring to your science lessons! From kits that provide all the materials to dig deeper into studying the ocean or space to puzzles and games, the options for adding to your science courses are endless! 

Kits such as those from STEAM4KIDZ or Pitsco Education allow you to introduce STEM/STEAM Activities into your homeschool day in a fun way. What is STEM/STEAM? These acronyms stand for “Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math” and “Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics,” respectively. If you need to add to your homeschool science course a hands-on activity, you are looking for fun projects, or perhaps you want to enter a science fair, this is a great way to do that. 

You can also bring in puzzles and games to help break up your homeschool science routine. From completing a periodic table of elements puzzle to putting together an anatomically correct eye or brain, puzzles can bring your family together and introduce a hands-on way to study science. 

Finding Your Homeschool Science Course

How Do You Find the Perfect Science Resource?

Have you found the perfect science homeschool resource for your family? Please let us know in the comments. Author

This article has been written by Kristen Heider. She is the Business Building Team Manager of The Old Schoolhouse® and the Social Media Manager of She shares more about her family’s homeschooling journey at A Mom’s Quest Teach.

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