This article is in collaboration with Journey Homeschool Academy.
Journey Homeschool Academy provides families with Christian based science studies for elementary though high school grade levels. Using video based learning, Luke and Trish Gilkerson help students explore biology and astronomy.

Experience Biology: Elementary level was created for elementary science exploration of our living world, including cells and animals. It contains 30 video lessons, dozens of hands-on activities, memory work, copy work, and also a suggested reading list for students to explore the may aspects of biology. There are printable student worksheet/study guides that students can fill out to encourage early note-taking skills.

Experience Astronomy: Elementary level was created for elementary science exploration of the stars and planets of our solar system and beyond. It contains 30 video lessons, dozens of hands-on activities, memory work, copy work, and also a suggested reading list for students to explore the may aspects of astronomy.

Experience Biology: Upper level provides a easy study program for high schoolers earning their credit for Biology. The four step process includes use of video instruction, Comprehension quizzes, lab assignments for hands-on learning and research questions, and weekly reading assignment from The Riot and Dance: Foundational Biology. Also available are PDF printable note-taking guides for use during the videos.
You can check out Journey Homeschool Academy and sample videos by clicking here.
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Thank you to Renita K. of Krazy Kuehner Days for writing this introductory article.

Several families from the Homeschool Review Crew were given the opportunity to review the above mentioned products from Journey Homeschool Academy. Click on the links below to see how the families used these various products in their homes.
11 thoughts on “Experience Biology: Elementary Level, Upper Level and Experience Astronomy: Elementary Reviews”