This article is in collaboration with Supercharged Science.
When Aurora Lipper, former NASA scientist and mechanical engineer, began her teaching career she was disheartened by the lack of a basic science foundation and enthusiasm for all things “science” among her students.
Enter Supercharged Science. The Crew received a full year of access to e-Science Homeschool Science Curriculum for all levels, K-12.
Supercharged Science is an online subscription program intended not only to motivate students to learn science but to provide a foundation of solid academics. It features 1,000’s of videos, including a vast library of hands-on experiments.
The curriculum is self-guiding and can be used at the pace of the user’s homeschool life and abilities. It can be used in two different ways.

All material is arranged by Topics. For example, if your student is interested in Astrophysics there is a whole unit covering Astrophysics that includes dozens of videos, experiments, and reading assignments. The activities included will be appropriate for a variety of ages and abilities.
If you prefer to teach by Grade Level, Aurora has arranged her courses into grades. Instead of focusing on one or two courses of study, the student will be exposed to a variety of topics and activities appropriate to their grade level.
The e-Science curriculum encourages lots of hands-on experiments using common materials that can be found readily. The curriculum also takes a creation-neutral perspective that can be easily used by families with a secular or religious viewpoint.
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A big thank you to Rebekah Teague of There Will Be a $5 Charge For Whining for writing this introductory article.

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