Recently, they have started to market their products by Core Curriculum areas — Reasoning/Problem Solving, Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science.
The Homeschool Crew was fortunate enough to review a product from their Language Arts series — Language Smarts, Level C, targeted for grade 2. This huge book (320 colorful pages!) teaches language arts concepts and skills including vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, reading and writing skills. And it does so with a variety of fun activities.
Other members of the Crew received Balance Benders Beginning, which is meant for kids in grades 2-6. This series is part of their critical thinking line, and it is specifically introducing algebraic skills and deductive thinking using balance puzzles.
Like other Critical Thinking Company products, these books are reproducible for use within your family.
It did not work for our family, but it might work for someone who already studies logic.
This has been a perfect fit for our family! Nice introduction into logic
We like Balance Benders and I think it will be a blessing for many families.
Annie Kate
We enjoyed some of these pages, but much of it was typical workbook fare.
Great product! Will defintely be purchasing more from this company.
We loved the Balance Benders puzzles!! I LOVE PUZZLES!! Logic puzzles are a bonus!
Language Smarts – A good fit for my 2nd grader.
We enjoyed the Language Smarts workbook. It was colorful and wasn't too repetitive.
Good for a child that does not like plain simple Language stuff.
Julie k at
"…but with the right tools and materials–I can already see their own comprehension about the world around them that exceeds my own (when I was their age). This book proves it! By nourishing that train of thought, it will definitely help them when they get out into the world." —Jessica S. @ A Mother of Action
yes please this would be helpful to have
Looking at Positive Action For Christ. Good application process.
Looking at Positive Action For Christ. Great application process.