Christianity Cove is known for being one of the leading web-based resources for Sunday School lessons as well as other Bible resources. “With over 700 free Sunday School lesson articles on our blog, and 26 best-selling resources in our library of products, we’ve helped thousands of teachers around the world revitalize their Children’s Ministry programs and fill their classrooms with eager students.”
Members of the Schoolhouse Review Crew have had the opportunity to use and review many of the products available through Christianity Cove.
Outstanding Object Lessons
– Teaching kids how to preserve the ‘fizz’ in their faith.
Bible Science Experiments – 25 fun experiments that teach God’s Word.
100 Simple Service Projects – ideas for kids in grades k-6 to promote a giving spirit.
Daily Dilemmas: 26 True-to-Life Devotions for Kids – “a collection of devotions that tackle the 26 most common (and concerning) moral challenges that face children each and every day”
Freedom Ride: 12 Lessons of Faith for Today’s Teens – “Helping teens transition to adulthood without abandoning their faith.”
“Tween a Rock and a Hard Place” Lesson Blueprints – lessons for tweens covering tough moral issues such as drugs, sex, etc…
Bullying & the Bible Lesson Plans – What does the Bible have to say about bullying and how does it apply to real life?
KidMin Power Pack – 19 lesson plans, games, songs, science experiments, service projects and crafts (month specific)
Bible Memory Games – 42 different games for learning memory verses.
The Divine Dozen: 12 Parables of Jesus Every Child Should Know – Sunday School / Bible study lessons based on twelve parables Jesus told.
Make & Take Bible Crafts – 40 Bible based crafts designed to be completed in 20 minutes or less
New Testament Life Lessons – 20 lessons covering various concepts presented in the New Testament
Fruits of the Spirit Activity Kit – fifteen lessons to help kids learn and apply the fruit of the Spirit
10 Commandments Activity Kit – games, lessons, songs, and activities about the 10 commandments
Lord’s Prayer Lesson Pack – object lessons, games, songs, and worksheets to help make learning The Lord’s Prayer fun and memorable
Prices range from $1 – $29. All products are available as downloads. Check out what our fabulous crew members are saying about these products by clicking the graphic below.

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