Christian Self-Paced Homeschooling Curriculum

As homeschooling parents, we have a lot of curriculum options! We can buy individual courses with their accompanying textbooks, invest in lapbooks and unit studies, or shop for a box curriculum. Sometimes it can feel like we are drowning in curriculum choices. Stop swimming in circles! A membership will provide you with Christian self-paced online homeschooling courses that are fully customizable for your family! 

For over ten years, has provided homeschooling families with an affordable, high-quality Christian education for preschool through high school. Your entire family can take as many courses as they want for one price. There is a full-curriculum for each grade along with recordkeeping tools, a literacy center, a monthly menu, and more! 

What else is included in your curriculum membership?

In addition to over 400 courses, there are many benefits to being a member. Your 2023–24 membership includes: 

  • Virtual events throughout the year including Storytime and Show-and-Tell, an Art and Photography Fair, Talent Showcase, and Science Fair. 
  • Ongoing support in our private members-only group.
  • Preschool Playground: Videos, printables, activities, and lessons perfect for little learners. 
  • World Book Online Encyclopedia: An easy-to-use search bar, games, videos, and articles. 
  • 2023–24 Schoolhouse SmartMama Planner: Plan your perfect school year. 
Christian Self-Paced Homeschooling Curriculum and HomeschoolingFinds logos

Planning With Homeschooling Curriculum

With over 400 courses and so many extras, can feel overwhelming for some homeschooling families. But there are so many tools to help you get started. If you are unsure what to teach and when, you can view information regarding scope and sequence. You can view the entire scope and sequence for all of our courses from preschool to high school or just look at the specific subject area or grade you are teaching. 

After you look over the courses you would like to teach in your homeschool, you can plan out your days using our pre-written lesson plans, Schoolhouse SmartMama Planner, or the custom schedule builder. Between these three options you will be able to fully customize our self-paced homeschool curriculum to meet your needs. 

Did you know you get free lessons plans with

Favorite Self-Paced Homeschool Courses 

With over 400 Christian self-paced homeschool courses, let’s dive deeper into a few favorite courses from From Small World Sensory Science for preschoolers to Christian Values in J.R.R. Tolkien for high school juniors and seniors, there are so many great options available in the Ultimate Annual Membership. 

Small World Sensory Science is set up for preschoolers to explore a range of topics over the course of twelve weeks, but you can take as little or as much time on each topic as you need to in your homeschool. While studying wind, play with balloons, create wind chimes, and blow bubbles with your preschooler. When you are ready, move on to study oceans with a jellyfish craft and new sensory experiences. Or you may skip to the lessons on construction and bring out toy trucks and construction vehicles for your preschooler. There are so many fun ideas to get you started! 

Preschool Small World Sensory Science course covers

If you have a high schooler who needs General Biology, another favorite in our household is General Biology by Core Academy. Our oldest took the course during his first year homeschooling in tenth grade. Moving from a public school to using a Christian homeschool curriculum was wonderful for our family. With General Biology by Core Academy, our son was able to study biology from a Christian worldview. He learned about human anatomy, ecology, zoology, botany, and more over thirty-weeks. 

Sign-Up Today 

Join today to have your 2023–24 curriculum secured and to receive a tote of choice! Hurry and sign up now for only $269.97/yr, and you could be gifted TWO TOTES—only the FIRST 100 to sign up during the Shark Event will receive two totes, so don’t delay. If you are one of the first 100, congratulations! You will receive this special gift of TWO TOTES—both stuffed with a collectible edition of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine. All new members during the Shark Event will receive a tote, but YOUR package can be twice as nice when you sign up right now. Author

This article has been written by Kristen Heider. She is the Business Building Team Manager of The Old Schoolhouse® and the Social Media Manager of She shares more about her family’s homeschooling journey at A Mom’s Quest Teach.

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