A Journey Through Learning

Would you like to take a “journey through learning”?  In other words, would you like to see learning come to life in your homeschool?  A wonderful way to do that is by using unit studies and lapbooks. If you’re asking “Where do I start?”, then let me introduce you to A Journey Through Learning.A Journey … Read more


Apologia.  Most homeschoolers are familiar with this name.  I know I turned to Apologia several years ago when I was looking for a good science curriculum to use with my daughters.  Since that time, we have used nothing but Apologia with my older daughter. We have used both their elementary science books by Jeannie Fulbright … Read more

Science for High School

This article is in collaboration with Science for High School. I have shared before about my discomfort when it comes to teaching science – especially for the high school level.  I have a first time high school student this year, and science is definitely the subject that makes me the most nervous.  Needless to say, … Read more

Friendly Chemistry

This article is in collaboration with Friendly Chemistry. My absolute worst subject in school was Chemistry!  I hated it.  Looking back, I realize it may have more to do with the fact that my teacher taught directly from the book without a lot of hands-on instruction. But, whatever the case, I didn’t enjoy Chemistry and I … Read more

Media Angels – The Missing Link: FOUND

  This article is in collaboration with Media Angels. Media Angels is a “company dedicated to serving the needs of Christian parents, students, and teachers.”   At Media Angels, you can expect to find plenty of Creation Science materials, as well as many books. The Homeschool Review Crew has received a copy of the first book … Read more

A Division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine