The Schoolhouse Review Crew was recently given the opportunity to check out their newly released THIRD edition Art books. All of these books have been expanded and the elementary editions have been completely revised. Here is a synopsis of what various members received:
The Way They SEE It: A Book for Every Parent
About the Art Children Make (Preschool Edition):
Designed with the parent of the 3-5 year old student in mind, this
expanded edition contains 36 lessons with a page for the adult, a
“picture talk” page to go over with the child, and a project page.
Also included in this edition is a “first skills” section with a
variety of suggestions for introducing art skills to a very young
child. The Way They SEE It retails for $47.95.
Early Elementary K-3rd program:
The books at this level introduce children to the visual arts and view art through history. Each of these books colorful illustrations, art appreciation, and projects designed for the younger student. The books are non-consumable, making them useable for your entire family. All three titles in this series been revised and expanded to include 36 lessons with little to no teacher prep needed. Each book is $47.95.
Elementary 4th-5th program:
The level has also been revised and expanded with the biggest change being that these are both directed towards the 4th-5th grade student as opposed to the original span of 4th-6th. Each book contains 16 units with four lessons per unit. There are an additional four lessons included in each book as well. Each book sells for $47.95.
Middle School 6th-8th program:
This robust program for the middle grades is now targeted for the 6th-8th range rather than the previously labeled 7th-8th. As with the set above, each of these books still contains 16 units with four lessons per unit and has an additional four lessons per book. Each book sells for $47.95
High School 9th-12th program:
The books at this level have also been expanded to include an additional four lessons per book. The high school level covers 9th-12th grades and each book is $47.95.
For sample pages, table of contents, and required resources, check the Artistic Pursuits website for more information and be sure to click below to see all of the crew members’ reviews!

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