A Bible Overview from Teach Sunday School

This article is in collaboration with Teach Sunday School.

For Christians, the Bible is one of the most important books we could ever read. Yet it can be so difficult to know where to begin. Teach Sunday School has a mission to provide resources that help children to develop a relationship with and a hunger for Jesus. The Homeschool Review reviewed one of their resources, Bible Blueprints.

Divided into Old Testament and New Testament e-Books, the Bible Blueprints are one-page outlines for each book in the Bible. Teach Sunday School designed these outlines to be study tools used alongside any Bible study.

A Bible Overview

Each page includes details such as the location of the book in the Old or New Testament, the number of chapters, as well as the date it was written. In addition, it lists the author and time covered within the book. These also provide the type of book e.g., gospel, epistle, prophecy, wisdom, or poetry.

Bible Blueprints, a Bible Overview

The Blueprint provides an overview summarizing the book’s purpose. These also break the chapters into groups summarizing specific lessons or points within each book.

Teach Sunday School website states, “Studying the Bible Should be a JOY… Not a CHORE.”  They offer hundreds of printable Bible lessons, games, crafts, & worksheets on topics from both the Old & New Testaments. They design every one of these materials to ensure that learning is “fun, interesting, & relevant (never boring)!”

The designers of these materials are passionate about teaching the Bible. They offer resources for science experiments, parenting, lesson plans, seasonal materials and so much more to encourage and engage children with the Bible.

Book by Book Bible Blueprints, a Bible overview

Teach Sunday School

They also offer many of their materials in Spanish. Teach Sunday School offers all materials for immediate delivery via email for download. Parents can print off as many copies as needed. 

Bible Blueprint Outlines are available for the Old Testament and the New Testament, individually or as a set. With over 1200 pages from sixty-six books, written by over forty different authors, these outlines offer a bird’s eye view of every book in the Bible to bring greater understanding to any Bible study. 

For more information on how to use a Bible overview, please read the Homeschool Review Crew Members’ reviews by clicking on the links below!

Special Thanks to Jennifer K for writing this introduction article.

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