Last year, while working with the Crew, I was introduced to Bonnie Terry Learning – a company that specializes in helping parents and teachers help those students who are struggling in various areas. I’m excited to announce that Bonnie Terry Learning is once again sharing products with the Crew for review.
One of the new products from Bonnie Terry that Crew members will be reviewing are:
The Math Zone – Memory and Math Concepts Game
The Math Zone builds basic math skills while students have fun! Watch their math grades soar as they practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in ways you never have before! Students learn math facts as their point totals grow and shrink.
Other products, that were also reviewed by last year’s Crew are:
Five Minutest to Better Reading Skills (Student & Teacher Books)
Five Minutes to Better Reading Skills turns your child or students into confident readers in five minutes a day with these 45 phonic reading drills. Perfect for anyone with short attention spans; spend only five minutes a day in individual or group lessons leading your child or student to success. This reading approach has proven to be very effective for all ages. The approach improves reading through visual and auditory learning.
Making Spelling Sense (Book)
In this spelling program, students learn how to spell over 500 of the most frequently used words in the English language. By using this step-by-step method, your child or student will be able to spell thousands of words. Using visual, auditory, and tactile modes of learning, they are sure to learn. It is phonetically and sequentially based. It also strengthens visual perception through the puzzles and other exercises that are provided. There is a structure to English, and if we teach spelling according to the structure, everyone can spell!
10 Minutes to Better Study Skills (Book)
Practical 10-minute exercises, students will soon be on their way to higher test scores, improved writing skills and more! Spiral-bound workbook features reproducible activities and tips to help students organize information, take notes, make comparisons and write essays. Includes reproducible planning calendars, test taking tips, research paper organizers and more!
The Writers Easy Reference Guide
The Writers Easy Reference Guide takes the pain out of learning to write! The Writers Guide is 12 pages packed with tips, hints and short lessons to guide your child or your students through the sentence, paragraph, essay and letter writing maze. The hints and insights will improve the clarity, complexity, and quality of writing for students ages 7 to adult. INCLUDES: Paragraph Writing Hints, Essay Writing Hints for the Four Basic Essays, Steps of the Writing Process, Words to Make Your Writing More Interesting, Common Prefixes, Suffixes, and Root Words, Grammatical & Literary Terms, How to Write a Bibliography with examples, and much more!
I’d encourage you to check out the Bonnie Terry website for more information on resources to help you better teach your child(ren). Here’s what the Crew has to say about the product(s) they received:
(Crew – sign with the name of the product you are reviewing. Thanks!)
Our family is loving this, and so blessed with the results.