Most of the time when favorite homeschool subjects are being discussed, someone is asking one of your students, “What’s your favorite subject?” In my house, the answer would be, “Anything but math!”
But this week’s Blog Cruise is a fun one! We are asking members of the Crew which subjects are their favorites to teach!
I wonder if they match up with their children’s favorite subjects to study?
Debbie I. @ Children Grow Children Explore Children Learn — A Child’s World is Full of Science
If there is one thing that is a constant in our lives and our school it is our passion and love for the world around us. What, When, Why, Where, How are all words heard throughout the day, then comes the joy of discovering the answers.
Jenni A. @ Conversaving — Phonics Can Be Fun!
Does the thought of phonics bore you. I am here to tell you that phonics can be fun! I have been contemplating the question, “What is my favorite subject to teach?” I came to the surprising realization that it is phonics.
Emilee R. @ Pea of Sweetness — Why I Enjoy Teaching Math
My favorite subject has always been English and Grammar – or anything related. Yet, now that I’m homeschooling I find my favorite subject to teach is Math!
Rebekah T. @ There Will Be a $5 Charge for Whining — Raising a Bookworm
It’s a given that my favorite subject to teach is literature. Perfectly natural for a bookworm. The question is, however, how do I raise a bookworm when the “worm” (and a cute one worm he is) I’m raising is dyslexic?
Chareen R. @ Every Bed of Roses — My Passion: Chronological History
History is one of those things done in fits and starts and as a result can loose momentum. There are many benefits to teaching it chronologically and here are just a few . . .
Lisa N. @ Golden Grasses — Just a Story Loving Fool
My favorite subject is really a topic and I use it to teach most subjects. Do you love Story as much as I do?
Jennifer A. @ Chestnut Grove Academy — It’s all in the curriculum
I have heard so many Homeschooling Moms talk about how much they dislike Science, and it comes as such a shock to me! I LOVE teaching Science, it’s my favorite subject to teach in our homeschool!
Brandy B. @ Kingdom Academy — What happens when your mom is a bookworm?
I started collecting books to read with my (future) kids before I had even graduated high school. I have several worn copies of well-loved books that I have read several times that I just love to share with them.
Annette V. @ A Net in Time — Enjoyment in Teaching
I don’t even hesitate to say . . . whatever the lad is interested in at the moment. You know . . . those spontaneous mom questions . . .
Lexi H. @ Lextin Academy — I Once Flunked Math
I thought I would love teaching art, history, and literature. I do love those subjects. I even halfway like science – now that’s shocking! Spanish is fun too. But guess what? I love teaching math more!
Kym T. @ Homeschool Coffee Break — Living in the Past
And here we are – living an hour’s drive or less from Gettysburg, Antietam, Harpers Ferry, Fort McHenry, Washington, DC… I felt like I’d better learn my American History and do a good job teaching it too!
Tere S. @ Teachable Scotts Tots Homeschool — These are a few of my favorite things . . . to teach!
I enjoy teaching anything my children enjoy learning. However, among the core plus more subjects that I teach, I strangely enjoy teaching math the most.
Lisa R. @ Our Country Road — The Subject I Enjoy Teaching Most
I look over and realize we are having fun! We are bonding! He is getting this! And, we are doing math! I was all sorts of warm fuzzy. Seriously.
Amanda S. @ Our Heart and Home — Teaching Homeschool History
I have always loved history. I find it fascinating to learn about how people lived in different times and what shaped their culture and society. This passion for history has bled over into our homeschool and has become my favorite subject to teach.
Erica B. @ Be the One — The Subject I Enjoy Teaching Most Is . . .
I thought long and hard….it has to be reading or history! Then I realized that the subject I enjoy teaching most isn’t really a ‘subject’ at all!
Sarah J. @ Delivering Grace — Fun Science!
Some of our happiest moments are when we are doing “informal” science. Most of the activities take only a few minutes and many use ordinary household materials.
Tess H. @ Circling Through This Life — The Secret Reason I Homeschool
The secret reason. Well it’s more of a reason to continue to home school. It’s what keeps me inspired. It’s often the highlight of my day. History. I love teaching history.
Debbie L. @ Debbie’s Homeschool Corner — Having Fun with History
As a homeschooling mom, I’ve approached history in a different way from how I was taught in public school. I love to read and have wanted my children to also develop a love of reading and learning, so instead of learning primarily from textbooks, we use a variety of resources.
Bethany H. @ Little Homeschool Blessings — For the Love of Shakespeare
From the first time I read it (at about 16), I have always loved Shakespeare. I love the language, I love the challenge of understanding what is going on, what the words mean, and his style of bringing the characters and plot to life.
Heather A. @ Only Passionate Curiosity — For the Love of Teaching
Homeschooling isn’t always sunshine and roses. Some days, we drag our feet, or have tears over our lessons, or want to throw the book across the room. On days like that, when all I want to do is put everyone back to bed at noon, I am saved by the “fun” subjects I get to teach in the afternoon. Getting outside in the fresh air, and watching the kids faces light up with excitement and wonder can get our day right back on track, and brighten everyone’s spirits.
Beth S. @ Weavings — History with Living Books
I am fascinated with history and my favorite way to learn history doesn’t even require the breaking out a teacher’s manual, worksheets, or craft supplies, but rather with books…not any book, but living books.
Nicole T. @ Journey to Excellence — Giddy for History
From the early ’80s to the present date, my attitude toward History has changed! What used to be an opportunity for me to to take a little nap is now the most exciting aspect of my homeschooling portfolio.
Beth B. @ Ozark Ramblings — Favorite Subject: Do I Have to Pick Just One?
Normally I’m a very decisive person, but when I stopped to consider my favorite subject to teach…well that’s like asking me to pick my favorite child.
Cristi S. @ Through the Calm and Through the Storm — Confessions of a Homeschooling Math Nerd
When I was a beginning homeschooler teaching a first grader and a preschooler, I sometimes had people ask me what I was going to do when my kids needed to learn high school math or science. I hope I didn’t sound like too much of a nerd when I admitted that I looked forward to those days.
Laura L. @ Loving and Learning on the High Plains — Bible: My Favorite Subject to Teach
Because of how well the Bible fits into every area of our learning, it is the subject I find I am always teaching, and I love it… because I’m the one who learns the most!
Diana M. @ Homeschool Review — This may surprise you, but . . .
The subject I most like to teach used to scare me silly!
thanks for putting this together.