Study Guides for Literature Reviews

Progeny Press
This article is in collaboration with Progeny Press.

The Homeschool Review Crew love adding Progeny Press guides to their Language Arts studies so we were excited to receive one of four different E-Guide this time to review. They make earning High School credit with with high school level study guides such as  Macbeth E-Guide. Progeny Press also has guides for Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, and Middle School as well so be sure to to read the other reviews to learn more about all the levels!

Bears on Hemlock Mountain, The - E-Guide
The Bears on Hemlock Mountain Study Guide is 34 pages long. The story is set in New England and is recommended for students in grade levels 1-3. Jonathan learns a lesson in personal accountability when he travels over a mountain to borrow a large pot for his mother. Procrastination forces Jonathan to return over the mountain in the dark where he discovers there are in fact bears on Hemlock Mountain.

Charlotte's Web - E-Guide
Charlotte’s Web is appropriate for grades 4-6. Set in the Rural United States and written by E.B. White, almost everyone knows the tale of Charlotte saving Wilbur’s life with clever sayings written in her web. The study guide at 55 pages will help your child internalize the story and life lessons so many of us have come to know and love.

Silver Chair - E-Guide
The Silver Chair is Book 6 in the Narnia series by C.S. Lewis. The study guide at 61 pages is the newest guide in the Progeny Press line up and will teach your students in grades 5-7 how to analyze a story with critical thinking questions.

Macbeth - E-Guide
Macbeth is for students in grades 9-12. At 64 pages this interactive study guide will help your students explore Scotland, ambition, betrayal and how a favorable life prediction can be seen as both good and bad.

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Thank you to Erin of Amundsen House of Chaos for writing this introductory article.

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