Shepherd, Potter, Spy–and the Star Namer Reviews

This article is in collaboration with Peggy Consolver.

What if you could travel back in time to live with the people of Canaan as the Israelites crossed the Jordan for the first time? Members of the Homeschool Review Crew have done just that through the Historical Fiction novel Shepherd, Potter, Spy–and the Star Namer by Peggy Consolver – Author.

Shepherd, Potter, Spy--and the Star Namer {Peggy Consolver}
In this intriguing look at Israel’s conquest of the Promised Land from the other side of the battle, readers meet Keshub, a 13 year old Shepherd Boy from Gibeon. As the fifth son of the family, Keshub wonders if he will ever gain favor from his Father for a particular skill like each of his older brothers has.

Peggy Consolver
In 2010 Mrs. Consolver joined an 18 day archaeological excavation team to catalogue the remains of the city of Khiret el-Maqatir, Israel. Many people know this city by its Old Testament name of Ai. The details she learned and the places she visited on this trip are readily woven into this story of daily life in Canaan during the threat of imminent invasion by the Hebrews.

Shepherd, Potter, Spy--and the Star Namer Peggy Consolver
Mrs. Consolver has also written Digging Deeper into HIStory, a Study Guide that can be used to help families, Sunday Schools, or Youth Groups dig deeper into the details of Shepherd, Potter, Spy and the Star Namer, the Biblical accounts of the Gibeonites, and learning more about using a sling and Israeli mammals. It also includes links to pictures and videos of the area where the story takes place.

Connect with Peggy on her Facebook page


Thank you to Carol of Home Sweet Life for writing this introductory article.

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