Pre-Algebra, Algebra and Geometry Reviews


UnLock Math

This article is in collaboration with UnLock Math.


Teaching math at the upper levels can be difficult and is often one of the reasons parents feel so unsure about homeschooling all the way through high school. Fortunately, we have a lot more options these days when it comes to teaching advanced math courses. UnLock Math offers a variety of math courses for high school all done online, taking the pressure off the parents. Courses are taught by real teachers and include video lessons broken down into “chunks” designed to make the subjects easier for students to learn and include practice and grading. Our review crew got to check out several of their courses for this review.


UnLock Math pre-algebra

UnLock Pre-Algebra features 16 units, with several dedicated to a review of concepts students should already be familiar with. This helps to close any gaps in learning before moving onto new topics. Students learn everything from inequalities, to equations, to polynomials and rational numbers. There are even a few chapters devoted to some geometry terms.



UnLock Math Algebra 1

In UnLock Algebra1 students move onto topics like linear and quadratic functions, transformations, probability, and some basic trigonometry. The course starts with a brief review of Pre-Algebra first, giving your child a chance to practice some of what they learned the prior year. The course includes, complete solutions for the problems, mid-term and final exams, and automatic grading.



UnLock Math

UnLock Algebra2 takes students deeper into advanced topics like complex numbers, polynomial functions, graphing, statistics, and matrices. Like the other UnLock Math programs, it offers complete video lessons, practice, and grading to make learning simple for the student and the teacher. Algebra 2 includes 15 units.

UnLock Math

In their newest program, students get to explore UnLock Geometry which features 14 units, beginning with prerequisite skills that students need to complete the course. From there, they move into topics like logic and proofs, polygons, triangles, transformations, and coordinate planes.

Social Media Links:

A big thank you to Brandy from Kingdom Academy Homeschool for writing this introduction article.

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