This article is in collaboration with My Teaching Library.
Imagine if you would, a place where you can go for finding helps with your homeschooling. A virtual online library with a myriad of materials to help you learn new stuff! Isn’t it good to learn new things? The Homeschool Review Crew has been discovering the My Teaching Library via their Download Club.

With My Teaching Library, you’ll find materials for every grade from PreK through grade 12.
PDFs for every subject under the sun you can think of, and even some you might not have! It’s a rather amazing collection. You’ll find puzzles and games, recipes, math, language arts, science, history, and more!
You’ll discover hard-to-find materials like The history of music, anatomy pages, and French cuisine. You’ll be delighted by marine science, drawing courses, science experiments, and even video! Coloring pages to enhance your studies, pages to help you through complicated math or science concepts, and unit studies covering various topics.
Serious materials and fun materials… how could you find a reason to complain? But you can find a way to help your students, your children, to learn more. And that’s a good thing, no?

My Teaching Library provides PDFs that you can purchase individually or receive as part of the Download Club. The Download Club gives you access to all materials for as long as you have your membership. You can use it for your entire family and download as much as you want.
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Thank you to Annette V @ A Net In Time for this review introduction article.

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