This article is in collaboration with Simply Coding.
In this day and age if you leave computing courses out of your child’s education they could seriously be missing out! Coding for Kids Annual Membership by Simply Coding recognizes this need and has a solution.
Coding for Kids co-founders Seth and Joe sensed a need for kids to formally learn computer technology after realizing how they themselves almost missed out on this rapidly growing field. So they created a series of computer courses designed for students ages 11 to 18.

In Coding for Kids students can learn Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced courses in…
- Web Design: In beginning web design courses students will learn html and CSS. Intermediate web design courses will guide into making a responsive web design.
- Javascript: Beginning students will learn about JAVA and how to design games in JAVA and also Android apps in JAVAscript.
- Game Design: Game design courses will help your student will learn how to create multiplayer and 3D games.

Options include single and family annual memberships which include live mentor support. Your student will have access to over 300 hours of computing curriculum!
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Thank you Kemi Quinn from Homemaking Organized for this review introduction article.

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