This article is in collaboration with Lit Wits.
If we’ve heard it once, we’ve heard it said a thousand times, that reading is vital to a child’s growth and development. Is that really the case, though? According to Becky and Jenny, who are the founders of LitWits , it certainly is! These best friends and sisters grew up in a literature rich family, where they developed a love for great, classic books and characters. As adults, their desire is to inspire the next generation of children to be active book lovers, with LitWits Kits .

Who says that the benefit of a story has to end with the turn of the final page? LitWits Kits provide a 3D, multi sensory experience that will truly make a book come alive for students. A variety of physical activities will have children clamoring to read more. Not only will they enjoy the lessons, they will create lasting memories that will imprint the stories in their minds, and hopefully, encourage a life long love of learning. In any one of these “Experiential Literature Workshops”, your student can expect to engage in any of the following activities:

- Handle items relevant to the story or time period of the story.
- Listen to traditional music
- Prepare and eat food from the book
- Play games
- Complete puzzles
- Perform skits
- Explore various cultures through art and tactile experiences
LitWits Kits offer over 40 titles to choose from, all in a convenient digital format. Each kit includes a 30-40 page pdf version for easy printing. Our Review Crew has had the pleasure of trying out a few with their families. Some of the classics to be enjoyed include:
- A Wrinkle in Time
- All of a Kind Family
- Black Beauty
- Charlotte’s Web
- Heidi
- Johnny Tremain
- Little Women
- The Hobbit
- The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
- Tom Sawyer
- Many, many more!
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Read what 50 of our families thought
A big thank you to Laurie from School Days for writing this introductory article!

Wow, Laurie, thank you! It’s so fun and heartwarming to read this kind introduction to LitWits — thanks for talking us up and sharing our story! We’re so happy you “get” us and what we do.