Is There Anything Better Than Candy? Reviews

Let the Little Children Come
This articles is in collaboration with Let the Little Children Come.

As fall approaches and with it all things pumpkin and the season of Halloween and Thanksgiving approaches the Homeschool Review Crew would like to introduce you to the Is There Anything Better Than Candy? Box-Tract from Let the Little Children Come.

Let the Little Children Come Halloween Tract

Let the Little Children Come believes that the Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God and are not affiliated with any church of organization.  Their aim is to provide evangelism resources to empower you to convey the gospel message to children.    Is There Anything Better Than Candy? Box-Tract is designed for you to enclose candy along with the message of the hope we have through Christ. It has been designed to capture and hold the attention of children focusing their attention on the core message of salvation through Jesus Christ.

Let the Little Children Come Halloween Tract
These cleverly designed tracts come flat packed and ready punched to make it super easy to construct a pumpkin shaped candy box made of six petals. The petals are numbered and contain the story of knowing God. The story aims to share the gospel in love.

Let the Little Children Come Halloween Tract

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