We all need a break now and then – something to help us wind down for the day, or a brief moment of peace and quiet before getting moving, or even just a reprieve in the middle of a hectic day. Planet 316 offers some fun games and activities, and the Homeschool Review Crew has been playing the Daily Bible Jigsaw app and having a blast doing it! (Shhhh don’t tell anyone but there is a fun friends option and the Crew have been competing for the top spot…)

- Google Play (Android devices)
- Apple App Store(iOS devices)
- Facebook (Mac or PC computer web browser…Chrome and Firefox work best)
- Facebook Gameroom
Planet 316 seeks to connect people across the generations for the glory of God. They hope that their games spark conversations at the dinner table as well as spread the message of the gospel of Jesus across the world through social media and the internet. But not only do they want to share His message, they want to make it fun!

Thank you to DaLynn M from Biblical Womanhood for writing this introduction article.
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