What if there was an online art instruction program that was like being in a fine art school, that would teach technique, and that would guide students in creating excellent artwork that they could be proud to display? That was the goal master artist Sharon Hofer had in mind when she designed Creating A Masterpiece. It’s a video instruction course with easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions showing students how to create high-quality art pieces using many different media, and it’s suitable for students of all ages. The Homeschool Review Crew has been using the Monthly Plan to create some inspiring art to share with you in their reviews.

- acrylic painting
- soft pastels
- oil pastels
- sculpture
- watercolor
- block printing
- ink
- silk dyeing
- pencil
- Bombay ink
- colored pencil
- charcoal
- glass mosaic
- gouache
- balsa carving
There is a Beginners Level, with projects designed to be completed in one session of about 45 minutes. These projects are suitable for any age student and introduce several different media. The projects in Levels 1 through 5 are progressively more challenging, and each is presented in 3 to 7 lesson sessions, advancing the techniques already taught and introducing new media. There is also an Art in History program available, which not only describes the artwork of a particular artist in history, but teaches the student how to create a similar project. This section is still being developed, with more lessons coming soon.

Homeschool Review Crew members have been creating their own masterpieces, and invite you to admire their artwork as you read the reviews!
A big thank you to Kym of Homeschool Coffee Break for writing this introduction article.
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