Bridgeway Academy offers homeschooling families a variety of services to make the homeschooling experience a little easier and hopefully enjoyable for everyone involved. This includes the ability to have an entire curriculum plan customized for your child. For this review, Crew members either received a seat in a Learning Lab course or the print curriculum Bridgeway English.
Learning Labs by Bridgeway Academy offers homeschool students the opportunity to learn from a certified instructor as well as have occasion to interact with other homeschool students from around the globe. Learning Labs are like an on-line co-op with the subjects offered varying with each term. Terms last 9 weeks with many of the courses costing $149 for the term.
The courses taken by Crew members include Magic Tree House: Middle Ages (Grades 1-5) , Marine Biology (Grades 5-8), and Easy Essay (Grades 9-12.)
Magic Tree House Social Studies- The Middle Ages with Mrs. Kathi Thomas (Grades 1-5)
Join Jack and Annie as we travel back in time to visit with kings, queens, lords and ladies, knights and squires! Learn fascinating facts about the lives of ordinary people during the Middle Ages as we journey through the countryside, towns and cities of medieval Europe. Music, art, literature, science and war are all explored as we explore this fascinating period in history using Knight at Dawn to jump start our learning. This class will have 45 minutes-1 hour of project oriented homework plus weekly reading. The Magic Tree House book, Knight at Dawn was required for the course.
Fun with Science- Marine Biology with Mrs. Carla Berg (Grades 5-8)
Come explore the oceans with Mrs. Berg! In Marine Biology we will dive in and explore the ocean. We will look at different fish, mammals and other creatures that inhabit our oceans. Join students from around the world as we learn the differences between the oceans and how we use technology to explore the animals and organisms we find within them. This class will have 45 minutes-1 hour of project oriented homework plus weekly reading.
Easy Essay Writing with Mrs. Kimberly Kulp (Grades 9-12)
There is often nothing more daunting to students than writing an essay. This class will demystify and debunk the hardships of essay writing. We’ll focus on organization, structure, and design as we make essay writing a breeze! This course is designed as a 1/2 credit elective course with 1 hour in class and 2-3 hours of homework weekly.
You can see more about these courses in this short video:
Bridgeway English is considered a resource for those high school students needing a complete refresher on grammar and/or writing. Students from grades 7 through grades 12 are considered the target audience for this program which is written for the student to complete on their own with checkpoints for the teacher to grade. Paks are divided into lessons of several pages with all background material provided as needed. Tests for the paks are included at the end of each student book with the suggestion that the educator remove the test pages before giving the student their book.
Bridgeway English Book 1 Focus on Grammar ($23.33) covers subject and predicate, fours types of sentences, sentence fragments, run-on sentences, compound sentences, noun functions, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions and prepositional phrases, conjunctions, interjections, and grammar review.
Bridgeway English Book 2 Focus on Writing ($23.33) assumes proficiency in the grammar topics in Book 1. Book 2 covers clauses, sentence variety, subject/verb agreement, grammar and mechanics, writing skills, rules of capitalization, rules of punctuation, proofreading, editing, letter writing, business writing, study skills, critical thinking and reasoning, and learning about fact versus fiction.
Bridgeway English Key ($23.33)for teachers has reduced copies of each student page with the answers filled in to enable quicker grading. The key covers both Book 1 and Book 2.
Click on the banner below to read the Crew reviews!

A big thank you to Laura of Day by Day in Our World for writing this introductory post.
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