Book Set: Appaloosy, Dusty’s Trail, Golden Sunrise & Day and Night Reviews

Appaloosy Books Logo by Autohor Mattie Richardson

This article is in collaboration with Mattie Richardson/Appaloosy Books.

What’s more awesome than a book about horses written for young readers? A book about horses for young readers written by a young author!

While she’s no longer a teen Mattie Richardson’s Horses in History Series published by Author Mattie Richardson/Appaloosy Books is sure to delight young readers.

Mattie Richardson used be known as, “North Dakota’s Teen Author.” She’s loved writing since she was a young girl and has an impressive resume for one so young. She has six books to her name with more to come. She’s a speaker, and musician as well as an author.

Ms. Richardson is a young woman now but her Horses in History Series, written when she was a teenager is still a great read for young middle school students. The first in the series, Appaloosy, was written when she was just thirteen years old!

Members of the Homeschool Review Crew received copies of Ms. Richardson’s Horses in History Series to share with their young middle schoolers. Here’s a brief synopsis of each story in the series…

  • Appaloosy is the story of a brown stallion named Storm. Storm is an Appaloosa horse hence the name of the book. Storm belongs to the Nez Perce tribe but longs to be free. When he gets the chance to be free, does he take it?
  • Golden Sunrise is about a Palomino horse. The name comes from the beautiful color of the horse named Cheyenne. She lives in Texas and herself part of fight for Independence! Will Cheyenne and her owner make it?
  • Dusty’s Trail is about a horse who’s name is Dusty and who is content to live life out on the ranch. His owner, the young Levi, has other ideas though and Levi finds himself part of the Pony Express!
  • Day and Night is set during the Civil War. It’s about two brother horses named Tucker and Shiloh. The story is told from their point of view. They are separated during the war and find themselves on opposing sides. How will this end?

Each book is a stand alone story but all the books come together in a set.

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Thank you to Kemi Quinn from Homemaking Organized for writing this introductory article.

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