Accountable2You Review

This article is in collaboration with Accountable2You.

You have to be living under a rock if you are not aware that the internet can be a very scary place for our kids these days.  If you’ve read your Bible at all, you know that sexual sin has been prevalent pretty much forever.  But the internet makes some forms of that sin so prevalent, and pornography is incredibly easy to stumble upon.  Then it is all too easy to end up in addictive behavior.

Accountability across all your devices {Accountable2You}

Accountable2You was started as a program for Ben Lawrence and his wife, so they could be accountable to each other.  It has expanded from those early days into a program that is available to the public, on platforms including Windows, Mac, Android, iOS and Chrome.

They believe strongly in the message of Proverbs 27:17: “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another,” and that of Galatians 6:1b: “Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.”

The idea behind accountability programs is that they don’t prevent you from looking at legitimate stuff (or from non-legit stuff either), but you do know that your accountability partners will be finding out about it.  You make choices about what you will view, the program does not limit you.

Dr. Jeff Myers, of Summit Ministries, suggested to the young adults at their student conferences that the BEST person to make as your accountability partner is your mother.  Once you get married, add your wife too.  (Or husband… because girls viewing porn is a huge problem too, and one that people are even more uncomfortable about discussing.)

Accountability across all your devices {Accountable2You}
Accountable2You offers a few different plans, all of them quite affordable.

  • Individual Plan:  This plan makes sense if you have one person you want to monitor – a teen, a spouse, yourself.  You can have up to six devices attached to this plan.
  • Family Plan: This was the most popular plan among our Crew Members.  You can have up to twenty devices with this plan, and it works with multiple family members — including the teen away at college.  You have the ability to set up child accounts with this plan, which will notify you if the child users are online at hours you have indicated they shouldn’t be.
  • Group Plan:  Do you have a homeschool group, or a youth group at church?  This could be the plan for them.  Each user in the plan can have up to 6 devices.  Note that the administrator of this plan does not have access to the reports for all of the users, unless set up as an accountability partner.
  • Small Business Plan:  If you own your own business, and your employees have online access, this is a great option.  The administrator does have access to all of the reports with this plan.

Members of our Crew reviewed the Individual, Family and Group plans.  Definitely click below to see what they thought.



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A big thank you to Debra Brinkman of Footprints in the Butter for writing this introduction article.


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