This article is in collaboration with Samson’s Classroom.
Have you heard about Samson’s Classroom? It is a new approach to online educational learning. It combines several products under one umbrella so if you have access to one of the products you actually get access to ALL the products.

Right now there are three products under the Samson Classroom umbrella: Sight Words with Samson, Spelling with Samson, and Reading with Samson.

Sight Words with Samson – is created for your beginning readers by helping them to master 224 of the most commonly used words in our English language. This helps build a strong foundation for new readers to encourage them to be successful in reading. It uses a 5 step process to help each student learn these widely used words. During the process they will see and hear the word a myriad of times as well as seeing the letters needed to create each word they are learning.
The games they will play ask them to complete a sentence, spell a word, identify the word, or take a short quiz. There is a scoreboard which helps both the student and parent keep track of where they are and what their result was. There is also a portion in the resource center that allows the teacher to print out additional worksheets and even flash cards. And you can print a certificate out once your student has completed each level.

Spelling with Samson is a comprehensive set of games that drills spelling words in a variety of mini games. The vault of more then 7,000 words will all be used in games which are designed to grab the attention of your children to play them over and over again all the while building their spelling skill. You can customize the lists to match what you are learning in your curriculum OR you can choose to use one of the lists already created. Spelling with Samson is similar to Sight Words with Samson where it also uses a multi-step process to build confidence in your student’s spelling ability through a variety of games.

Reading with Samson is a combination of reading comprehension and logical analysis where the student will learn to draw conclusions from what they have read to figure out the answers to the questions presented to them. The questions asked cover cause and effect, discovering the main idea, context, and sequencing to name a few. This program also uses a new patented user instant feedback system. If a student answers a question incorrectly the pertinent information of the passage that they read will be highlighted and the child is allowed a second chance at answering the question correctly.
There are also a myriad of worksheets, lesson plans, and other resources available to you the parent/teacher. Here are some examples:

There is a variety of pricing options from home use, as a family, as a classroom and even more. You can try a demo of the program and make sure you check out their short but very thorough video demo. If you’d like more info on all Samson’s Classroom has to offer click the link below to read some more in depth reviews.

A big thank you to Kellyann Walker of Walking Home … for writing this introductory article.
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