This article is in collaboration with Everyday Homemaking.
Everyday Homemaking offers practical homemaking and homeschooling ideas to help you better manage your household and time. Members of the Molly review team recently reviewed two of the books from their Everyday Homemaking series.

The Everyday Family Chore System has practical ideas for a family chore plan. It includes “the tried-and-true how-to-do-it cards now used successfully in many households, ideas for using the cards as a stand-alone system or to enhance virtually any other system you may currently use, plus tips on how to organize your household to maximize success.”

Everyday Cooking is a “collection of tried-and-true recipes and hints for simple, everyday cooking with an emphasis on whole foods – from a busy homeschooling mother of eight.”
Please click on the banner below to read all the crew reviews and to see what we learned from these two books.

I had the opportunity to use and review “The Family Chore System” and I truly believe this resource has helped our family have one of the smoothest transitions to a new school year to date! Thank you, Mrs. Bentley for writing this and sharing all your wisdom with us.
So glad to have been a small part of your successful start!