Just like every homeschool can look different, no two homeschool graduates will look the same. There is a world of possibilities for those who graduate high school from homeschooling. Our children can go on to two- and four-year colleges and universities, go into business, go to a trade school, start an apprenticeship, or something else entirely different. There are so many options!
Homeschool Graduates
Children who homeschool through high school graduation have the ability to focus on the courses that will assist them in the future. For example, if they are interested in art or photography, as parents we can provide electives for them that teach them skills in those fields. A homeschool graduate can also work on developing their own company or business through their course studies. Courses such as Business Plan Creation or Personal Finance in Bite-Size Chunks on SchoolhouseTeachers.com offer our children practical knowledge.
The Homeschool Graduate at College
While many may be worried about socialization and how a homeschooled student will adapt to going away to college, they might not realize that many children are awkward those first few months (or even years) away from home. And homeschool graduates might have a leg up on other high school graduates, as they have had the opportunity to take more dual credit courses. This gives them more familiarity with campus life and college expectations.
In the Workforce
Homeschool graduates may have entered the workforce before the typical public school graduate because they have more free time. Their studies do not necessarily take as long since they don’t have to schedule lunch, study hall, travel-to-school time, etc., into their school day. While they may not currently be working in the field that they would like to pursue long term, they are building their resume with their work experience.
Some of our children may be blessed with falling right into their future, long-term career during their high school years. They may join the family business or find their future boss at church or their co-op. With homeschooling, there are many wonderful opportunities for our children to look for the perfect job.

More Options for Homeschool Graduates
In addition to college and the workforce, our children may look into an apprenticeship or trade school. Homeschool graduates pursue careers in the fields of plumbing, electrical work, and other hands-on trades that are necessary for our country. By seeking one of these options, homeschool graduates won’t take on the debt of a four-year college. They can become independent more quickly.
Finally, some homeschool graduates will look towards homemaking and family life after graduation. Perhaps your daughter has always dreamed of being a wife and a mom. She can pursue that after her graduation while looking at ways to continue her education in ways that meet her needs and goals.
What are your homeschool graduates doing?
HomeschoolingFinds.com Author
This article has been written by Kristen Heider. She is the Business Building Team Manager of The Old Schoolhouse® and the Social Media Manager of HomeschoolingFinds.com. She shares more about her family’s homeschooling journey at A Mom’s Quest Teach.