Homeschooling is an adventure from start to finish. Some days are smooth sailing, while others are filled with waves of interruptions, sickness, and short tempers. Sometimes it’s just nice to know that there are others in the same boat, riding those same waves.
Isn’t it wonderful that there are publications like The Old Schoolhouse Magazine® Spring Issue that bring us the tools and encouragement we can use to stay the course?

Creators & Magazine History
The Old Schoolhouse Magazine® is the creation of Paul and Gena Suarez, homeschooling parents of seven children, who wanted to make a difference by supporting and connecting the rapidly expanding homeschooling community. Paul and Gena feel strongly that a child does best when taught by his parents and siblings, allowing that child to grow up in a secure, loving environment where the child’s best interest truly is the goal.
The publication began in 2001 as a small quarterly printed newsletter which has grown over the years to a thick, full color, print and digital magazine.
Throughout 2021, The Old Schoolhouse Magazine® is celebrating 20 years of providing content that has helped shape thousands of homeschoolers. Every issue, including the spring issue, has more than 120 pages of:
- informative articles from columnists who are experts in their fields;
- teaching units and studies to ignite curiosity;
- product reviews to help you make the most informed decision about purchases;
- resource directories that highlight various companies who cater to homeschoolers;
- interviews with industry leaders;
- expert advice on teaching the special needs learner;
- technology trends you need to know about; and
- inspiring personal stories from real homeschooling parents.
Mission of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine
The vision of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine® is to advance the cause of Christ by strengthening homeschool families spiritually and academically. Beyond that, the vision (and purpose and mission) is to see people come to know Christ as their personal Savior).
The Old Schoolhouse Magazine® Company believes that:
- Homeschooling is not just a choice; it is a conviction.
- Public schools pursue a godless purpose and agenda. Christian parents need to be lovingly warned about the dangers of the public education system.
- Homeschooling allows parents to exercise their God-given responsibility to educate their children spiritually and academically.
- Homeschooling strengthens families, ultimately strengthening the body of Christ.
- Homeschooling is a venue to impact the world for Christ.
The Old Schoolhouse as a company desires to help homeschooling families gain the encouragement and inspiration, and supporting statistics and facts they need to educate their children at home with confidence.
TOS Pillars
In 2021, The Old Schoolhouse Magazine began introducing pillars and icons within the pages of the magazine and across the many platforms of The Old Schoolhouse®. These four foundational pillars reveal the core principles and ethics of the company.

Faith – It is imperative to place our full faith in God as we educate our children for His glory. The Old Schoolhouse® is a decidedly faith-based Christian organization.
Knowledge – The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. The Old Schoolhouse® helps impart knowledge and understanding to parents who take their God-given responsibility of education as their conviction.
Hope – The hope of the world is in Christ Himself. The Old Schoolhouse® delivers hope to the homeschooling community and families worldwide, corporately placing our hope in God as we raise a generation that will offer much to their communities and to their world.
Future – Christian homeschooled children are the hope of the future. Where other education systems have failed, The Old Schoolhouse® comes alongside the homeschool family to offer all that is necessary to succeed in educating the leaders of the future as they seek God and His Sovereignty first and foremost.
How to Read The Old Schoolhouse Magazine Spring Issue
The magazine is available in both print and digital formats. A subscription to the print issue will have each one delivered right to your mailbox, or purchase at a number of major retailers, including Walmart, Target, Kroger, Walgreens, Ingles, Barnes & Nobles, and more.
The digital subscription is free and can be viewed via computer at or by tablet and phone by downloading the mobile apps at
Curious about what’s in the magazine? View a sample issue here.
Or, if you just can’t wait to get your hands on the next print issue, go here to subscribe.
Spring Issue Reviews
Thirty-five members of The Homeschool Review Crew received a complimentary copy of the Spring 2021 issue to read and provide their thoughts. Don’t miss a single one linked below!