This article is in collaboration with The LIFE Network.
The LIFE Plan is a Bible curriculum designed to be used by homeschoolers by The LIFE Network. Members of the Homeschool Review Crew have been using The LIFE Plan and will be sharing their thoughts on this curriculum this week.

LIFE stands for Living Intentionally for Eternity. The six volumes are designed to be a disciple-making curriculum. The curriculum is designed to help Christians live according to God’s purpose and glory.
Each volume includes readings from the Bible, glossaries, questions about the topic being studied, For younger children, parents will need to read the material to the student and in some cases help write the answers or even write the answers completely. Study helps are provided for the lessons. Families could go through these workbooks together or students could work on them individually. This curriculum could be used for churches, family devotions, missions, Bible schools, Youth Ministry, and more.
The workbooks provide no distractions on the pages such as colorful pictures, graphics, or charts. It is designed in a way that places the emphasis on God and His Word. So if you have a child who needs to only see text, this book will be perfect.

Volume I examines Genesis 1 -11. Covering everything from the Existence of God to the days of Creation to the family to God Scatters, this workbook begins with an introduction before moving onto the more in-depth subjects. Each lesson includes a lesson aim, text about the topic, an outline, Scriptures to expand understanding, ideas for theological connections, a glossary of terms, and questions. In the back of each workbook is an answer key.

Volume 2 examines The Bible Story from Genesis 12 to Malachi and includes the story of Abraham and Israel. It begins with the calling of Abram and covers, Abraham, Isaac, Esau, Jacob, all the way through Daniel.

Volume 3 looks at the structure of the Bible. It breaks down each book of the Bible and then provides opportunities for examining each book from Genesis to Revelation.

Volume 4 examines The Life of Jesus on Earth. This volume includes The Prophecies of Jesus’ birth, to how He discipled others to the Pharisees to Gethsemane to the Cross and The Resurrection and concludes with the fact that Jesus is coming again.

Volume 5 looks at The Church. It includes topics such as Christ is the Head of the Church, Christ’s love for the Church, Christ has Two Bodies, Desire, Spiritual Gifts, and more before concluding with The Filling of the Holy Spirit.

Volume 6 examines Your Part in the Story. It includes lessons on topics such as Salvation, Spiritual Growth, Evangelism, Memorizing Scripture, Bible Study Tools, Prayer, and more.
Families can take one volume and use it over the course of the year. Families can also take this curriculum and adapt it to individual circumstances and needs. These volumes create a cohesive and comprehensive set of resources that families can use for years to come.
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A special thank you to Patti Pierce of Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy for writing this introductory article.

You can find out what each of these families thought about The LIFE Plan, and how it worked with their particular children in the linky below.
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