This article is in collaboration with ACT Mom.
Do you have a student who is in need of ACT Test Prep help? Standardized test scores are an important part of college admissions, but they also have value beyond that: taking the ACT can earn you tens of thousands of dollars in financial aid or even help you to get a job! If your student decides to take the ACT, spending time studying is so very important to guarantee better results. For that reason, ACT Mom can be an invaluable tool!

Meet ACT Mom: a homeschooling mother whose family was living on the husband’s teaching salary. The ACT Mom is the result of 10 years of study and practice on ACT tests so that she could teach the test to her three children who all scored in the top 97%, 98%, and 99% of all test takers. Two received full-tuition scholarships based on their ACT scores alone and the third child received a 60% tuition discount. While she never intended to start a business, so often God has other plans. Since 2015, she has taught 3500 students in small groups of 15.
When the COVID-19 pandemic came along, she decided to re-evaluate the current business plan. After being forced to cancel three months of in-person classes, she created an online version of the class which students all over the county are now using. This online class includes 13 hours of material and is self-paced. Students can watch the videos over and over again. Materials are shipped directly to the students. The complete class includes materials, streaming videos, and practice questions. This class utilizes a very practical teaching strategy that can help students qualify for thousands of dollars in scholarships.
ACT Test Prep Complete Course
The ACT Test Prep Complete Course includes English, Reading, Science, and Math. This provides you with a full year of access to the online course. A binder with graphing paper and ACT practice tests in sheet protectors is shipped directly to the student. The binder also includes a pencil pouch with a dry erase marker (for taking the practice tests in the sheet protectors), eraser, and sticky tabs so that the student has everything they need to get started immediately. There is also an answer key with scoring instructions included so that you can score their tests to determine how they are progressing as they work through these courses.
This course does also include a downloadable copy of the materials that they ship to you.
Once you register for the online class the materials are mailed out to you. Organization from day one is stressed as being of utmost importance. As she speaks it is expected that students will take notes from the whiteboard for ongoing study. Each session includes videos, a quiz, and also additional resources for continued studies. Her videos are very engaging as she walks you through the information, casually defining terms and relating them to everyday life experiences. Upon completion of each course, she links approximately eight practice tests for students to complete.
Each course begins with a message from the instructor; here she shares her story while she sits at her kitchen table and expresses why it is so important for the students to study and take the ACT test. She determines for students to know what their “why” is before they begin. With this program, your student will gain an understanding of what the standardized test truly is and recognize the patterns repeated within. There are quizzes within each course to help students make sure they are progressing in the material being taught. At the end of each class are five tests to practice with so you can learn the concepts, go back to whatever may have been missed, and focus on the areas most needed.
ACT Test Prep Individual Courses
The Math Course covers topics such as Area and Pythagorean Theorem, Special Right Triangles, Probability, and more. The fourth video in this topic introduces the test and reviews all 60 problems with students. This is all about making a plan and then practicing that plan, so you can get these questions right.
The Reading Bullseye starts the Reading Course. From there she talks about Easy, Medium, Hard and how Reading Bullseye works with various reading passages. There are also strategies provided for how to approach the test and how to become more accurate on the test itself.
The Science Course includes seven sessions. It starts by talking about strategy and how the test itself is built. From there she goes over biology, chemistry, and physics. At the start of each video, she discusses the need to set up—to go over any words that need to be defined in the passages that are being read. Upon completion of all seven sessions, she provides recommended resources as well as multiple practice tests.
The English Course includes seven sessions that cover dangling modifiers, comma splicing, transition words. She teaches upon the importance of no redundancy. She does an excellent job of going over all that students need to know going through and teaching each concept that will be tested. As she teaches, students write and label for future reference. There are also quizzes within each course so students can track their progress.
With these ACT Test Prep courses, every student has the opportunity, if they follow her instructions, to have a great ACT test score. Throughout the courses, she stresses the importance of organization and practice as a key to success. If your student is contemplating taking the ACT this is definitely a course that would be of great benefit to them.
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Thank you to Jennifer King of A Peace of Mind for writing this introductory article.
Jennifer has been home educating her four children, from age 6 to age 15, since 2009 with a passion for freedom in learning. Residing in Wisconsin she works with local families to provide support and encouragement in their journey. There is nothing more powerful than when we learn and live together, growing closer to our Lord, and to one another—these are times too precious to step away from. Life is full of so many amazing opportunities and she is eager to share her experiences so others will know too that it will be well.