This article is in collaboration with TabletClass Math.
Homeschool parents often cite math as the most difficult, scary subject to teach. This might be because, even though the concepts are concrete and black-and-white, the methods are not always so clear-cut. Fortunately, there are online math programs like TabletClass Math.

In this online math program, teacher John Zimmerman is committed to helping students overcome their math struggles. He has a lengthy list of degrees and accomplishments (including, but not limited to, a Bachelor’s in Mathematics, a Master’s in Educational Technology, and experience as a business owner) that make him a qualified math teacher. But what matters more than any of those is his desire to help students get better at math. He promises on his website to always give 110% to his students. If students commit to keep going, he promises to help them achieve things they never thought possible in their math instruction.
TabletClass Math offers seven courses in their online math curriculum; Homeschool Review Crew members were able to choose from five of them (everything but Foundations and Test Prep).
Online Math Classes
This course is designed for upper-middle-school students to give them a solid foundation as they enter high school and the more complicated math subjects they’ll encounter. Divided into two parts, Pre-Algebra will instruct students all about positive and negative numbers, solving equations, graphing, polynomials, and basic geometry.
Students are ready for Algebra I upon completion of Pre-Algebra (or any equivalent eighth-grade math). In this course from TabletClass Math, they will focus on expanding what they learned in Pre-Algebra. Topics covered include real numbers, absolute value, graphing, quadratic equations, and polynomial operations.
The traditional follow-up to Algebra I is geometry, and it’s no different with TabletClass Math. To keep their Algebra skills sharp (because it’s vital to success in geometry), there is an Algebra review at the end of each Geometry chapter. This online math program focuses on problem-solving skills (including writing geometric proofs), so it would be perfect for students planning to take the ACT or SAT exams.

Designed for high school juniors (or above) preparing for college, this Algebra II course requires students to have a solid foundation in their Algebra I before starting the class. The first part of the course is a heavy review of Algebra I; part 2 brings more complex and advanced concepts to the forefront.
High school seniors with advanced math training are the demographic for this online math course. Before signing up for the course, students must ensure they’ve mastered the previous classes and purchase a graphing calculator. The advanced course covers trigonometry, function analysis, and rational functions. The course also includes sequence, series, and probability.
What Else Is Included?
There are five steps to each lesson in TabletClass Math’s online math classes. Students are first to watch the video lesson and take notes. After that, they should view and complete the practice problems, then check the solutions. In addition to a written answer key, there is also a video that explains the solutions. TabletClass Math expects students to watch the solutions video. When the student has finished everything, they simply click “complete and continue” to automatically move on to the next lesson.

Because everything in TabletClass Math is prerecorded and available online, it is an “on-demand” math class. This means students can access the courses any time of the day or night. There is no schedule to have to work around. John Zimmerman also has a YouTube channel where he posts math help videos daily. Some sample videos from TabletClass Math also help parents decide whether this would be the right course for their family.
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Thank you to Wendy R of Ladybug Daydreams for writing this introductory article
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