Provide your High Schoolers with Skills for Success

This article is in collaboration with Skills4Students.

What helps one student to succeed in college and life over another? Why does one student seem to have career or college readiness, but others seem lost? Is it knowledge? Intellect? Grades? Or is it something else? According to various college and employer surveys, the key ingredient is soft skills. Soft skills are skills that help people to deal with each other and themselves. Some studies show that these mysterious soft skills make up 75% of career success, and finding people who possess them can be challenging. That is where Skills4Students and the Success Skills for Christian Students Video Course and Book Bundle come in as a Christian homeschool curriculum to bridge that gap.

Learning Soft Skills

Cary J. Green, Ph.D., teaches what he calls Soft Skills Synergy. This combination of inward and outward-facing skills helps students be the best students they can be and, even more importantly, succeed as adults.

This Christian program begins where all Christian programs should begin -with Christ. Then, it moves on to help students know themselves. What are their strengths and weaknesses, and how should they manage these weaknesses? It then talks about the importance of balance and relationships, which leads to how to build great, balanced teams. This program also deals with critical thinking skills, accountability, and getting a mentor.

Skills For Success

The course also takes these soft skills and translates them into study skills. It addresses how to avoid procrastination, how to set oneself up to be a great student in class, and how to read for understanding. The course deals with these skills through the lens of faith and the identity held in Christ. Be quick to admit mistakes and more.

This very robust program is a video course paired with a physical book. The online component has the following:

  • Video Lessons also have audio versions so the student can listen on the go.
  • The Bundle includes the eBook Download so that you can refer to the book on your computer or tablet. This eBook is the same Success Skills for High School, College, and Career you receive in paperback form.
  • Application Workbook Download
  • Bible Study Guide Download
  • Quick Start Student Portfolio: This walks the students through building their own portfolios that showcase their experiences and efforts.
  • Audio downloads (MP3) of the videos
  • Slides

This complete course contains 14 chapters and can be considered a full homeschool high school semester class. Successful leadership and people skills are very important and will help any student beyond their formal education years.

The Crew received the complete online course and physical book. Read their reviews by clicking the links below.

Special thanks to Jacqueline of Homeschool Hangout for writing this introductory article.

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