Perfect Indoor Games

Oh, when our homeschool group was still active, we had co-op days.   For three sessions I taught the 10-12 year old gym time. Let me in on a secret, I HATED gym class as a youth.  Oh my, just hated it and therefore said “Nope, not doing that kind of gym class”.   Instead, I found a bunch of gym games and we had a hoot.   Once the youth got the idea of this new style of gym class they started coming up with games of their own.  I learned a lot of new ones as I taught them new ones!  

It was fantastic!   Absolutely had so much fun and practiced things like teamwork, practicing good sportsmanship, and following instructions.   Some of the games were a bit more complicated than others.  Some of them were meant for large groups, others for small, but they are well worth checking out if you need to get your students moving!
Sites we used for ideas were:

  1. PegGames.
  2. kids activities
  3. what moms love. (a friend used this site with younger children)

Competitive games, and games like spider, ants, and octopus proved to be favourites.  Every once in a while I’d throw a thinking game.  Such as … can you get your team across the water before the other team?   Can you find a way, while you are all linked together, and unable to lift your feet to get across the floor?

But what do you do when you are short on space and your children don’t want to run around and get all hot and sweaty?   🙂   Some kids simply don’t like to.   

Well, pull out board games.   Play some math games, strategy games, cooperative games, solve mysteries, learn history or even how to spell. 
Or maybe your children like flipping through cards instead.  War, match up, go fish, uno and the like. 

In playing board and card games you learn numeracy and literature skills.  Turn taking, being a good sport, choice making, strategy and more.  
So when the weather isn’t nice, consider the importance of moving body and mind beyond the rigors of school work.   Add in a gym and critical thinking class and make days when you can’t get out of the house something to be thankful for.  


Thank you to Annette @ A Net in Time for helping with this post. Homeschooling mom of a single lad, raisers of rabbits, blogger, influencer, poet and a person of faith. You can find her on PinterestTwitterInstagram and MeWe.   She blogs about homeschooling, faith and books. 

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