Koru Naturals Review

This article is in collaboration with Koru Naturals. Members of the Schoolhouse Review Crew often refer to camping out by the mailbox or stalking the UPS truck as way of expressing excitement about an upcoming item for evaluation.    Those delivery drivers may have been feeling some pressure as we recently awaited some pampering products from … Read more

IndoctriNation DVD Review

This article is in collaboration with Great Commission Films. “Are the public schools an educational “neutral zone,” or a humanistic program designed to undermine the influence of the Church and the family? Is there any truth to the “salt and light” argument that encourages Christians to send their kids to public school? “ -from the … Read more

6 Ways Reading is Interactive

Readers often feel like blank slates waiting for the story to communicate its plot, themes, and purpose to them. They see reading as interpreting words on paper, and the story as a one-way communication of author to reader. Authorial intent is very important, but young readers need to be encouraged to interpret the narrative in a personal … Read more

6 Ideas for Building Homeschool Community

  From outdoor adventures, to co-ops to online support groups, being proactive as a home educator creates not only solutions, but also delight! In fact, through living by the motto, “If you cannot find it, create it!”,  many home educators (myself included) find themselves initiating a wide variety of activities, events and niche groups that … Read more

A Division of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine