This article is in collaboration with Insight Technical Education.
Do you have a high school student? I have observed over the years (both in my own high school experience and beyond) that college is not for everyone. Because of this, I am excited about the products offered by Insight Technical Education – they supply learning materials that focus on vocational, technical and professional fields. Their products are high quality and great for self-directed learning. If you’ve got a child who is interested in accounting or drafting, then you definitely want to check out Insight Technical Education for yourself. This might be just what you have been searching for.
Some of the Crew members will be reviewing products from Insight Technical Education. They will be receiving a variety of products, including:

Practical Accounting Fundamentals™– Accounting is an important skill to have no matter what the final career choice may be. Practical Accounting Fundamentals continues the tradition of self-paced, self-teaching, career based education materials. Practical Accounting Fundamentals uses the same hands-on, self-study methods used in all of the Practical series of books. Each chapter explains a concept and gives examples with exercises to practice the concept. There are also tests, complete with answer keys. There is no other instruction required to use this book. The basic intent is to introduce students to the basic principles of accounting and to introduce the student to the possibilities of career options. Accounting is just one tool that is used in many different business and technical fields. Practical Accounting Fundamentals is a book that can help direct, change, or set a career path for your student.
Understanding accounting is as important in personal life as it is for business. Accounting is the basis of financial communication. It is important to know the difference between a balance sheet and an income statement. So, whether the student is interested in starting their own business, being an accountant, working as a bookkeeper, or just adding to the depth of understanding, Practical Accounting can help. Written by Lori Peterman.
Age / Grade: 13 and up / Junior High through High School

Practical Drafting™ uses the proven, hands-on, self-study methods used in the Complete-A-Sketch series and is reproducible as it applies. The student learns by observing, reasoning, and doing real work. Practical Drafting is geared to be used by students without outside instruction. The basic intent of Practical Drafting is to introduce students to the basic principles of drafting and to awaken the student to the possibilities of career options. Drafting is just one tool that is used in many different engineering, construction, and technical fields. Drafting alone will probably not be a career. However, it will always be a part of technical work. Being able to draw without a computer is an important skill for life, even if the student does not go into a technical field. Practical Drafting is a book that can help direct, change, or set a career path for your student.
The work is designed to help and to promote the use of hand and computer drafting skills. All the lessons in this book may be accomplished both by hand and on the computer with CAD software. Practical Drafting exposes the student to many types of drafting and standards. Drafting is the language of engineering. In the engineering field today, it is imperative that all participants, drafters, designers, engineers, machinists, electricians, builders, etc., must understand this language. It is my strong recommendation that the student do the lessons by hand using tools of the trade. Then, after being comfortable with manual drafting, complete the lessons with CAD software on a computer.
The skills learned in this book will benefit for life regardless of final career choices. The concepts and principles in this book apply to drafting & design, not just to manual or CAD work. Practical Drafting focuses primarily on the most critical drafting areas. The goal is to assist the student in mastering some drafting concepts and the art of drafting. These concepts will apply to using CAD and in other professional and personal projects. User may make copies of some lesson sheets for self use. Written and illustrated by Melvin G. Peterman. Also see links to other related products: Drafting Kit & Combinations and CAD software.
Age / Grade: 13 and up / Junior High through High School
Son who claims to have no drawing ability went crazy with this program. He loved it, therefore, so do I!
Professional Hubby who designs (AutoCad and 20/20) for a living gives Advanced Complete-A-Sketch 2 Thumbs Up! Drawing Daughter also thought it was Awesome to "draw like Daddy does"!
My son simply LOVED this program!
very specific to a certain field, seems like a thorough and advanced product line
Considering an accounting course? Try this primer first. It can be a great introduction to accounting for a career exploration project, or as a regular course.
Perfect for motivated independent learners and budding enterpreneurs.