Independent Learning with Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum

This article is in collaboration with Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum (PAC).

Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum (PAC) has a mission: to produce a curriculum with character development qualities and superior academics that equip students with an advantage to make wise life choices and possess high academic competencies. Paradigm’s independent learning courses give parents freedom from preparing lesson plans, creating tests, and teaching lessons individually or in a group of varying ages. With Paradigm, students confidently learn, and parents have time to take a breath. 

Independent Learning with Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum

Dr. Johnson and his wife, Nancy () founded Paradigm Alternative Center in Dublin, Texas. The USA Today newspaper recognized this contract school as among the nation’s top fifty-eight effective programs for recovering at-risk teenagers. Twice, President Reagan invited Dr. Johnson to the White House to discuss the impact of private schools on American education. He has been a teacher and school administrator and believes in the power of innovative, individualized learning. 

Courses are available in print, audio-enhanced, and digital downloads for grades 7 through 12. Each course consists of text in chapter form and companion activity books to “walk” students through each text. Chapters are available for filling academic gaps or as a complete course. Every kit includes section quizzes and chapter tests, along with answer keys. Review Crew Members had the choice of one entire course 

Cover of Principles and Precepts of Government

Principals and Precepts of Government

Students gain insight into the history and concepts of government: original patriarchal and proprietary systems, ‘divine right of kings,’ empires, monarchies, dictatorships, oligarchies, theocracies, democracies, confederations, and republics. This independent learning kit is recommended for senior-level students and earns 0.5 (1/2) transcript credit. The complete kit includes three soft-cover texts, three student activity books, and a Teacher’s Resource Kit. The Teacher’s Resource contains nine section quizzes and three chapter tests.

Cover of English Communication Skills

English Communication Skills

While recommended for seventh grade, students in grades 7-12 could easily use this course; it is worth one high school transcript credit. Students will learn to construct sentences, paragraphs, essays, letters, and other forms of communication. Every lesson includes a life principle chosen to develop students’ wise decision-making. Students with academic gaps would benefit from the course. 

Cover of English Grammar Skills Independent Learning

English Grammar Skills

This course is designed to equip students with a strong understanding of the eight parts of speech, grammar, and writing skills and is worth one high school transcript credit. Although designed for grade 8, it can be used for students to “brush up” on those weaker English grammar skills. 

Cover of English Language Skills Independent Learning

English I: Language Skills

This independent learning course is designed to equip students with a strong understanding of the eight parts of speech, grammar, and writing skills and is worth one high school transcript credit. Although designed for grade 8, it can be used for students to “brush up” on those weaker English grammar skills. 

Cover of English Composition Skills Independent Learning

English II: English Composition Skills

Students read, write, and evaluate carefully selected literature from various genres to develop writing techniques and develop solid sentences and paragraphs as they write. 

The second of a four-level English series, this course targets tenth-grade students and focuses on interpretation and development of various writing styles.

English Writing Skills Independent Learning

English III: Writing Skills

This course is designed for eleventh-grade students and is the third of a four-level series focusing on developing strong writing skills. Students learn to address literary concepts like cause and effect, logic, comparison, and contrasts through developing a research paper: draft, outline, bibliography, references, transitions, and more.

English Literature and Philosophy

English IV: Literature and Philosophy

The fourth in the four-level series prepares college-bound seniors. Students receive one high school credit in either English or Philosophy. English IV uses the Benjamin Franklin Learning Style to stretch students’ writing and critical thinking skills.

The fourth in the four-level series prepares college-bound seniors. Students receive one high school credit in either English or Philosophy. English IV uses the Benjamin Franklin Learning Style to stretch students’ writing and critical thinking skills.

Please click on the links below to read our reviews!

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