This article is in collaboration with Cheri Fields.
Studying end times or eschatology can be exciting. Many Christians look for ways to explain the complexities of the present and future times. The book The End: A Bible Prophecy Study for Teens by Cherie Fields helps clarify the pre-wrath, futuristic premillennial view of end times. Her end times Bible study helps you dig deeper into the book of Revelation and other portions of scripture to prepare for the future.

About the Author
Cheri Fields, a homeschool mom of seven, is an all-around Bible nerd. Her fascination with the Book of Revelation in her teens Although she has an associate’s degree in the Bible, she continues to spend countless personal hours poring over books, sermons, and of course, the Bible itself.
A Thought-Provoking End Times Bible Study
The author wanted this to be a delight to the reader, so she provided nothing that turns it into “schoolwork.” Instead, she is “about changing their hearts and futures, not checking off a list.” Therefore, the book is not weighed down with written questions & answers, tests, or quizzes. Instead of giving them tests, she encourages family discussions. After reading this book, the author says you will know more about what your student has comprehended by how they talk and act, rather than through a worksheet or test.

She intends to engage the reader with thought-provoking questions to ponder and search out on their own. In addition, the author includes numerous Scripture references to look up, read, and study to encourage further study.
The author also encourages readers to use resources, like Strong’s Concordance, to look up Scripture references and meanings. She also suggests note-taking in this book, within your Bible, or on separate notepaper.

Bible Books Covered in this End Times
The End: A Bible Prophecy Study for Teens covers multiple books of the Bible, including the entire book of Revelation.
Other books of the Bible included in the study:
- Genesis
- Joel
- Amos
- Obadiah
- Zephaniah
- Daniel
- Psalms
- Isaiah
- Ezekiel
- Matthew
- Mark
- Luke
- I Thessalonians and more

Although Cheri covers many books of the Bible, she spends most of this Bible study covering the book of Revelation.
Topics covered include:
- Studying the Future
- The Wrong View of Prophecy
- The Far End of History
- Layers of Prophecy
- Witnesses
- Jesus is our Key Witness
- Old Testament Prophecies
- New Testament Prophecies
- The Reign of Jesus
- The End of History and more
If your teen desires to do an end times Bible study, check out Cheri Fields’ book, The End: A Bible Prophecy Study for Teens.
Read all the Homeschool Review Crew reviews on Cheri Fields’ end times Bible study by clicking on the links below.
Thanks for sharing this, Tess.
I was homeschooled myself and wanted to write the kind of book I would have enjoyed: no fluff, clear ideas, organic “living” material.