How Homeschooling Can Continue During a Break or Vacation

We all need a break sometimes, don’t we? Us homeschooling parents seem to be “on” all of the time between teaching our kids, and having our kids with us all of the time, sometimes we just need some down time.

Our kids need that too. Their brains need time to rest and recharge just like ours do.

So, how can we continue to homeschool during a break? And should we, even?

Well, as I think most of you would agree, that homeschooling is a way of life. It’s the lifestyle that we have chosen for our family. That means that we already understand that our kids are learning all of the time, not just when they are at the kitchen table completing a math lesson. Our kids are even learning while baking cookies (check out this post to see what they’re learning)! Life itself is educational.

Here are some great ways that the learning can continue, while you all take a good break from the “formal” schooling.

#1 ~ READ
READ, READ, and then READ some more!

#2 ~ Summer Reading Program
This goes along with #1, sign your kids up for the summer reading program at your local public library. This is how my (at that time) 6th grader started to fall in love with books. He just couldn’t get enough of them!

#3 ~ Grocery Store
Yep, you read that right. The grocery store has so many ways that your children can learn. From Math and Reading right along to Writing and Science – the grocery store has it all! Not to mention social skills (you know – because all of us homeschoolers are unsocialized, right?) You should check out our book, Homeschool Basics, for an entire list of skills that your children can learn at the grocery store.

#4 ~ Find New Interests
Having downtime from formal schooling might give your kids the opportunity to find a new interest. Crossword puzzles, board games, Lego building, etc. could all be new to your child. Why don’t you show them what you used to do during the summer when you were a kid (before technology took over the world!).

#5 ~ Get a Job or Start a Business

If your kids are old enough, they could get a summer job. Even if they aren’t old enough to get a “real” job, they could start their own business for the summer to help out the neighbors keep up with their yards while earning some money for themselves. What about a car washing business? A couple of summers ago, our son came to us with a plan to start his own lawn mowing service for the neighbors. It was great for everyone involved!

#6 ~ Handy-Work Around the House
This is a great time to get your kids involved with completing all of those projects that you’ve just been meaning to get to, but just haven’t had the time to. Take the time to teach your kids how to paint that room, clean the blinds, put up wallpaper, etc.

#7 ~ Character Training
Summer is the perfect time to work on character training with your kids. You have a little more time because you aren’t working on formal lessons. Sit down with your spouse and come up with a list of character traits that you would like to see in each of your children. Then make a plan on how you are going to complete the training.

#8 ~ Chore Lists
Believe it or not, having your children do chores around the house is teaching them

#9 ~ Quiet Time
For us introverts, this is a life saver. Teaching our children that it is good for them to have some quiet time. Also, if they could be by themselves for a time (like in separate rooms), even better. Sometimes children think that they have to be on the go all the time.

#10 ~ Being Content
This goes along with #9. Sometimes, during the summer, we are going from one fun activity to the next. Swimming with friends Monday, a sleepover on Tuesday, Library party on Wednesday, etc. etc. etc. You get the idea, right? They are getting new toys for the swimming pool, treats at the friends, new books at the Library…when is enough, enough? Teaching our children to be content is an incredibly valuable trait that will help them for their lifetime (and ours).

#11 ~ Prayer Time and Bible Study
Summer is a great time to teach your children the importance of having their own prayer time and Bible Study time.

#12 ~ Journaling
Writing Practice!

So go on and take a break ~ but remember that your kids are always learning!

Everything In Life Can Be Learning!

~ A big thank you to Felicia M of for writing article. ~

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