This article is in collaboration with His Vessel Textbooks – Algebra Curriculum.
When you think of math, what do you think of? Something like “rules,” “answers,” and “problems,” right? That is an entirely reasonable summary of the subject. But what if you thought of something else when you imagined math? Try “faith,” “God,” and “Biblical principles” instead. That is a lot different! So when Mary Carroll, a homeschool mom of 3 who loves math, realized that math instruction was lacking in the faith department, she set out to do something about it. The result of her efforts is His Vessel Textbooks – Algebra 1, a new Christianity-based algebra curriculum.

Faith-Based Algebra Curriculum
At first sight, the His Vessel Algebra I textbook is like any other math book, except that it quotes 1 Corinthians 3:16 (“You are God’s holy vessel”) and says “biblically-based math” on the cover. But when you dive into the content, you will find Bible truths sprinkled throughout the book.
In Mrs. Carroll’s definitions of mathematical terms, she uses faith-centered mnemonics and encouragements all over the place. For example, when talking about Absolute Value in chapter 1, students are first told the definition of an absolute value number (distance from zero; no negatives). Then she says: “Isn’t it wonderful that God loves you so much that He sees your Absolute Value through Jesus Christ? You have Absolute Value.

Inside His Vessel Algebra 1
His Vessel Algebra I covers all the main topics you would expect from an algebra curriculum: expressions to equations, graphing to statistics, exponents to the quadratic equation, etc. The lessons are included in the book, so your student can read and study the information to learn it. If a topic is challenging for your child to understand, they can also go to the His Vessel YouTube channel for video lessons.
There are plenty of examples in each lesson to further clarify anything that might be confusing, followed by “you try” examples. These are sample problems that have the answer right in the text, so your child can solve the problem and see if they did it right before moving on to the official practice problems. Finally, just like any math book you may have used before, each lesson concludes with problems students should complete on a separate sheet of paper.
While Algebra I is currently the only text available from His Vessel Textbooks, Mrs. Carroll is drafting more books using her unique approach. She has plans to release a Geometry book in the fall of 2022 and pre-algebra, Algebra II, and elementary math in the future. There will also be a separate answer key for Algebra I released in the summer of 2022 (but the answers are in the back of the current textbook).
This fully formed high school algebra curriculum is a giant book, hardcover with over 550 pages. It will get your student the Algebra I credit they need for graduation, but with a strong faith-based backbone that you will not find in any other math book anywhere.

You can connect with Mary Carroll and His Vessel Textbooks on Facebook `and YouTube.
Special thanks to Wendy R of Ladybug Daydreams for writing this introductory article.
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