This article is in collaboration with Children’s Bible Hour.
Children’s Bible Hour (CBH), known for their Keys for Kids devotionals and their radio dramas, has produced a series of books that are based on the four seasons. Each of these seasons represents a certain time period in the life of a Christian.
- Spring: This is the time when people experience new life in Christ. Faith develops and Christians begin to share the Salvation message with others. [Race with Midnight]
- Summer: This is the time when faith grows under God’s love and care. Fruit is witnessed and triumphs are gained through applying His Word and striving to be the best we can be in Christ. [You Can’t Come In]
- Autumn: This is the time of struggle, temptation, peer pressure, and mistakes. Even though it might seem like nothing good can come from this time, God has promised that He will be there. He will teach us how to forgive and then grown in grace. [Seventy Times Seven]
- Winter: This is the time when life is most difficult. Deep struggles, mourning, trying to make it through difficult times, or the death of a loved one can pull us away from God. He teaches us to lean on Him for comfort and peace. [Braving the Storm]

Race with Midnight: Becky is off to spend spring break in Montana at her cousin Sarah’s ranch. She’s looking forward to learning how to ride a horse and doing lots of horseback riding. She is also praying that she will have the opportunity to share the gospel with her unsaved family members. Will Becky have the opportunity to share the gospel with Sarah and her family? Will they listen?
You Can’t Come In: Zack and Adam are new best buds who decide to build a fort together. During the process, Zack ends up getting completely muddy. This leads to some interesting conversations between Zack and Adam as well as Zack’s parents later on in the evening. Will Adam be able to share the gospel message with Zack? Will Zack understand what Adam is telling him?
Seventy Times Seven: Brad and Doug a good friends, but Brad is upset about a few things Doug as done to him. One day, while the boys are playing baseball, Brad accidentally hits a ball through Mr. Jeffries’ ice cream shop window. Mr. Jeffries forgives Brad. Can Brad do the same and forgive Doug?
Braving the Storm: Things have been pretty tough for Thomas and his family lately. Thomas is feeling pretty down, so his Grandpa tries to help him get through the tough times by depending on God. Will Thomas learn the lesson his Grandpa is trying to teach him?
The Seasons of Faith series have been adapted from the classic Children’s Bible hour radio scripts. Each book contains a cd with a recording of Uncle Charlie narrating the story.
See what the Crew has to say about the Seasons of Faith series:
Very nicely done! My children really enjoyed these.
My 8 and 11 year old daughters liked these books. I liked the Biblical truths.
We like the simple stories, we just have some doctrinal disagreement.
We love Uncle Charlie and Down Gilead Lane, both from CBH.
My daughters and I loved these great faith-filled stories. I think our favorite one was the Seventy times Seven.
Some books, besides the Bible, can be read once and forgotten. These books are re-readable!
These were great and we really love them~!
We loved these and they will be cherished for generations.
~ Becky
These books are delightfully illustrated and good reading. Thank you
We loved Seventy Times Seven the best. All the books gave good examples of how children can share their faith with their playmates.
We really liked to listen to them on the CD. Good for Sundays.
Very sweet books.
These books present good spiritual challenges for elementary aged children. They prompt great discussions, too.
They look great! I'd love to win these
My whole family would enjoy them.
My kids also love Keys for Kids… CBH is a great company.
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